
Dragon Families?

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      I was wondering which dragons belong to which families. For example, the Fledgeling Dragon is significantly different in style from the Young Dragon (it is broader/thicker/rounder whereas the Young Dragon is smaller in build yet taller than the Fledgeling). Does anyone know which pieces belong together or are all of the dragons just part of one large family with new models just being individually introduced? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
      ~ Bellaray13


        I have kind of wondered that too. I think the main difference I notice is the original family of dragons like the mother, male, young, old hatching dragon, emperor and spectrals have more elongated faces and most have ridges rather than horns. The fledgling, baby, new hatching dragon, lap, old warrior, scratching and secret keeper all have a bit rounder faces and horns so they look good together. I personally collect just the small ones and I have the fledgling, young, baby and hatching dragons so I have a mix.

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


          Really, there’s no official sorting that I’m aware of- new models do just get introduced as they’re completed, and much of the variation you’ve noted is simply the evolution of Ms. Melody’s style over the years, they’re all just Western dragons. Like many though, I divide mine into ‘different species’, and the lines pretty much follow what Kim gave. The oldest sculpts are one species and include the mother, old hatcher, male, young and emperor. The spectrals to me mark a second {nocturnal} species. I don’t own a secret keeper, but from the photos she’s almost like an intergrade between the original families species and a third species {at least} which encompasses the newer sculpts. The coils and the curl sure seem to represent a fourth one. Once again, this is all just how I choose to see my pieces and has no official Windstone endorsement. You can group them any way you like, there is no right or wrong.
          Hmm, when I think about it the emp seems like an intergrade too… subspecies maybe, able to cross freely…


            I was wondering which dragons belong to which families. For example, the Fledgeling Dragon is significantly different in style from the Young Dragon (it is broader/thicker/rounder whereas the Young Dragon is smaller in build yet taller than the Fledgeling). Does anyone know which pieces belong together or are all of the dragons just part of one large family with new models just being individually introduced? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
            ~ Bellaray13

            The father, mother, hatchlings version 1 and 2, the young and baby dragon are all part of one family. The Emp, lap,O. warrior, and Scratching dragon are extended family; grandfather, aunt and uncles… The fledgeling and hatching royal dragons are the babies of the Secret keeper, so they are scaled for that family.
            The mini keeper is a young adult in a smaller scale.


              That’s neat to know actually. I was not sure.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

              Celestial Rainstorm

                I always thought they were one huge dragon pack.

                Finding happiness again.


                Cool. Where do the spectrals fit in? If you gave the trover spectral eyes they could be their own little family. 🙂

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                  Cool. Where do the spectrals fit in? If you gave the trover spectral eyes they could be their own little family. 🙂

                  Yes, I also was hoping that the trover would have Spectral eyes. We need baby Spectrals!


                    A young spectral sounds amazing. I like the spectrals, very unique of the dragons.


                      Would the orientals be considered very very distant kin then?


                        I always thought they were one huge dragon pack.

                        Yes, they are all part of one clade. A large extended family.
                        The Orientals are a different species. I am not sure how they are related, but distantly.


                          Would the orientals be considered very very distant kin then?

                          Orientals are a different clan. Different species.


                            Cool. Where do the spectrals fit in? If you gave the trover spectral eyes they could be their own little family. 🙂

                            Yes, I also was hoping that the trover would have Spectral eyes. We need baby Spectrals!

                            No, we can’t get globes that small!


                              Cool. Where do the spectrals fit in? If you gave the trover spectral eyes they could be their own little family. 🙂

                              They are sub-clan of the dragon family, with different distinct physical traits. The O. warrior, lap and scratching dragon share the gold horns, so I consider them a sub-clan too.

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