Dragon Cave

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    I was thinking since you have a wizard house, have you sculpted a dragon cave or would you consider it?


      oooooohh! That would be something to see. Hmmmm……it would cool to do something like the wizard retreat (have the candle off to the side) and then just see a tail and some bones lying around. Hehehehe…I’ll like to see what Melody has to say. 😉

      I think there are some possiblities there.


        dragonessjade wrote:

        I was thinking since you have a wizard house, have you sculpted a dragon cave or would you consider it?

        Yes! Well, I have done sketches of such a candle lamp anyway, but never got around to sculpting it.
        I always seem to say that, but really, it’s true! I have notebooks packed with sketches of ideas I’ve never gotten around to.
        The dragon cave was the first candlelamp I designed, LONG before we started doing candle lamps. It was to be like the Wizard’s Retreat candle lamp, with the dragon lit by a candle from inside a castle next to it. I wanted to use fiber optics to light the dragon’s eyes.
        It was a little too ambitious.


          See, proof that you’re a creative genius…you think of and plan to and sketch out these ideas YEARS before we think of them!


          OOOOOhhhh. I wanna see pics.


            How cool is that idea?!


              How come “Robin quick to the Dragon Cave” just came to mind???


                Dragon Master wrote:

                How come “Robin quick to the Dragon Cave” just came to mind???

                because you need serious mental help….. 😯


                  We all know that from the beginning. I’m not the only one here that needs mental help though




                      no comment…..(but I am pointing)…. 😀


                      Yes, no use denying it… 😆

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