drag0n's Griffin Overflow BlackXTan Chickies/Stripey Mom

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone drag0n's Griffin Overflow BlackXTan Chickies/Stripey Mom

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  • #700023

    pretty Grifflets! I need to get myself a pair of babies to put on my shelf 😀 one day…


    So cute and lifelike. Makes me want to pick one up and cuddle it 😆

    less than a day left please click


      They are adorable, drag0n! 😀


      They are cute! I like the sideway chick with the ring on the tail, too. Is there something off with the eye in that one?


      Those chicks are so pretty. Lucky you, drag0n.

    Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)
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