drag0nfeathers Convention Thread SUPER PIC HEAVY!!!

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    WOAH great pics, and I love your costume! <3 I honestly wish I could do that (but alas I have no talent for stuff like that). 🙂


    Damn Drag0n! That is all so freaking awesome! I understand your excitement now! I knew a few characters, but not many…I knew the Pokemon, Glen was really into that for a long time. Infact he still has alot of his cards.
    But, too cool, way too cool! Loved those pics! Your costume was the best that I saw there, no joke! 8)


      Awesome pics, Drag0n!! 8) I seriously laughed out loud when I saw the pic of Kakashi reading his little book. XD tee hee

      Oh, the digimon is Renamon. 😳


      What a great set of shots! 😀 Looks like a whole lot of fun!

      Have to say the ‘hugging Pikachu’ shot it looks like you’re going to rip out its throat… 😆

      The twizzler shot is hilarous too. Thanks for sharing! 🙂


        That was great! Your costume is totally awesome. I’m glad it got the attention it deserved.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Looove the pics! Your costume was totally my favorite out of all of them!


            Wow that looks like it was so much fun!! 😀 I’m so happy you were a hit. It really is a super costume!


              Awesome costume – FUN looking event!!! I was laughing most the way thru the photo’s realizing how hard core some FANS are (of anything really). My sister was a Trekkie back in the day (original Star Trek) and went to a couple of conventions. Wild! Your costume was DEFINATELY the best I saw – congrats on a great time and event!


                That was awesome!! Glad you had a good time and would love to see the official pics. 😀


                  drag0n – You’re such a picture whore! 8)

                  Hehehe… you more than deserved it! :yes: Your cosplay rocked AB! I’ll have my pictures up on photobucket tomorrow (my camera battery just ran out of juice).

                  Oh, btw, Meg was next to me in Chess as Kamiya Kaoru. Ceal was over in the corner with Team SITCAS (Sit In The Corner And Sulk) as Roxas. Oh, I’ll also link up some of the Youtube links I’ve found from Chess, and some of the really awesome Masquerade skits from the Masters division that won. Still waiting for the regular Dating game (non-18+) links to show up online (I want to see how I did from the audience viewpoint!). I also need to send you my sculpt-or-coat samples. I forgot to give them to you at the con (and I had them in my bag too!). Also, the ramen veggies and stuff are not going to waste. :yum:


                  Your costume is terrific, Drag0n! Loved the pics! (Had to show them to my hubby-creature as well… he started mumbling something about making a Mandelorian costume)


                    WOW what talent you look GREAT!!
                    I wish I had some of that talent!!

                    I would LOVE to go to a convention like this!!!


                      Your costume is awesome! And I love how you are posing in most of the pics 😀


                      Your costume is absolutely awesome, and I love the eyes! Now were there two sets, or do they pick up an iris in some lighting and not in others? You probably explained this in your costume thread already, but I can’t seem to find it. Anyway the effect is completely brilliant–it’s the crowning touch to an already spectacular costume. You deserve every iota of all that fun you had at that convention! 😀


                        Oh my gosh! It looks like you had a blast!

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