Don't know if I made the right choice or not..

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      No, haven’t got the paint yet DM.. I’ve just been so busy lately. Do I just email Mel and ask her for it?


        Pam Thompson wrote:

        No, haven’t got the paint yet DM.. I’ve just been so busy lately. Do I just email Mel and ask her for it?

        I think you can e-mail Melody. Susie or Karen. Correct me if I’m wrong people, I have never had to do that myself


        I have been searching to see any Jade dragons forever. I have a male & a lap, both are jade. I knew they were rare but never knew they were β€œmistakes”! I think they are nicer than the emerald also. I have actually been thinking of selling them because I lost my job due to illness. πŸ™


        I have been searching to see any Jade dragons forever. I have a male & a lap, both are jade. I knew they were rare but never knew they were β€œmistakes”! I think they are nicer than the emerald also. I have actually been thinking of selling them because I lost my job due to illness. Sad


          I would love to see pictures of your lap and the male.


          I will try to post them as soon as figure out how! lol


            I have a Coiled, Scratcher, Oriental, and Young Oriental all in the Jades. They do look nice.
            Hope to get the rest as it seems it is now on my list okay has been but with so many styles it is nice.
            Would love to find the ones listed above and the others if they are out there, such as:
            Oriental Sun

            But from the list above those may not be out there. Ah more dragons to dream we all needed more dragons on our lists.


              I just bought this guy:

              He looks jade. Is $200 a good deal for a piece like that? I grabbed it because I don’t think jade scratchers are that common. I am still trying to decide if I made the right decision or not, it was very spur-of-the-moment.. I have no idea how I’m going to pay for him. I have a hundred from two sculptures I sold recently, and maybe I can get my b/f to lend me some more. Anyway, so.. that’s my story.. *cringes*

              Yes you did find on this one. The scratcher comes up now and then so not as heavy a price. When you figure a current Scratcher goes $191, then $9 more for a β€œmistake” not regular produced is a good deal.


                This is a very old topic πŸ™‚
                My scratcher ended up coming from the home of a chain-smoker ><

                Hatching Empress, Scratcher, Oriental, Young Oriental, and Coiled Male are all known to exist in jade, and in private homes. I believe there have only been about 3 hatching empress found in jade. The others are more common.
                The emperor was also made in jade. We have the only known one here at the factory as an archive sample. We found him boxed and ready for sale (but apparently lost and never sold), so there may be other jade emps out there, somewhere.

                The Sun was probably never made in jade. I think the sculpture was produced after we stopped using jade paint on the jade orientals, and switched to emerald paint.


                  So if I come clean that second warehouse cross the road and find more stuff for you, can I get him as payment, as well as a chance to see you all again which would be fun on its own. πŸ™‚


                    You would have to kill me in battle.
                    The jade emp is my most prized non-possession.


                      I am sure a deal can be made. And since I am so much older then you I will make sure to will it back to you. πŸ™‚ No death be had but other things may happen. LOL

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