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    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    Awww the horse must be part Arab? What’s the doggy? I can’t tell how big she is is she part Shiba? Gorgeous red color!

    ooo Your Good 😆 The horse is our Arab Shire mix and the Dog is an Akita Chow. He’s my 75 pound lap puppy. 😆 and very soft


    Wow arab shire what an interesting combo! I love the color on her/him. So I was kind of close on the dog it’s a big size of a shiba inu lol I always say shibas are mini akitas.. they kinda are lol


      I like “Bug Love.”


      skigod377 wrote:

      I like “Bug Love.”

      How about Bugs Lovin 😆


      tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

      Wow arab shire what an interesting combo! I love the color on her/him. So I was kind of close on the dog it’s a big size of a shiba inu lol I always say shibas are mini akitas.. they kinda are lol

      Actually no akitas were bred from the Shiba, Shibas are 3000 years older than the Akita breed. Many japanese people do not even consider Akitas a true Japanese breed because of the breeds that were crossed into it to make it. Same goes for the Tosa. And American Akitas are so different from a Japanese Akita that they are separated into 2 different breeds in some registries.

      This is a Shiba 😛

      Langans Brushwood Ruffian

      Can.Ch Cintaras Tonka Toy

      And one huge mutt to balance things out 😆


        Oh, all three look adorable!!


          Very cute furbabies 😀




            Can’t have bug lovin’ without lovebugs!

            Still a few around, though the spring season’s over. Back in September! (I’ve seen as many as 7 stuck together 😯 , I’ll take a pic if I see any out of season lovers)

            But Nam, fart and barf jokes are the sign of someone with a healthy inner child (joking)!


              Ohh..all of the dogs are adorable… 🙂 I wish I could take them all and give them a good home… 🙁



              ruffian wrote:

              tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

              Wow arab shire what an interesting combo! I love the color on her/him. So I was kind of close on the dog it’s a big size of a shiba inu lol I always say shibas are mini akitas.. they kinda are lol

              Actually no akitas were bred from the Shiba, Shibas are 3000 years older than the Akita breed. Many Japanese people do not even consider Akitas a true Japanese breed because of the breeds that were crossed into it to make it. Same goes for the Tosa. And American Akitas are so different from a Japanese Akita that they are separated into 2 different breeds in some registries.

              I knew the difference between Japanese and American Akitas but I did not know that many Japanese people do not even consider Akitas a true Japanese breed. My understanding was that there were many more of them before WW’s than became nearly non-existent afterwords before being bred back. Of course I’ve read up primarily on Akitas not Shibas. 😆 Can you tell me how the breeds compare personality wise? I love the Akitas combination Independence and owner loyalty. 😀
              They seem to have such a cat like personality sometimes 😆

              On a side note my kids Sensei went to Japan for week. He said that while he was there he didn’t see any Akitas but lots of similar, but smaller, looking dogs with “foxy” faces. I’m guessing they were either Japanese Akitas or Shibas 😆


              Hey, how about Love Bugs?


              khat7 wrote:

              ruffian wrote:

              tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

              Wow arab shire what an interesting combo! I love the color on her/him. So I was kind of close on the dog it’s a big size of a shiba inu lol I always say shibas are mini akitas.. they kinda are lol

              Actually no akitas were bred from the Shiba, Shibas are 3000 years older than the Akita breed. Many Japanese people do not even consider Akitas a true Japanese breed because of the breeds that were crossed into it to make it. Same goes for the Tosa. And American Akitas are so different from a Japanese Akita that they are separated into 2 different breeds in some registries.

              I knew the difference between Japanese and American Akitas but I did not know that many Japanese people do not even consider Akitas a true Japanese breed. My understanding was that there were many more of them before WW’s than became nearly non-existent afterwords before being bred back. Of course I’ve read up primarily on Akitas not Shibas. 😆 Can you tell me how the breeds compare personality wise? I love the Akitas combination Independence and owner loyalty. 😀
              They seem to have such a cat like personality sometimes 😆

              On a side note my kids Sensei went to Japan for week. He said that while he was there he didn’t see any Akitas but lots of similar, but smaller, looking dogs with “foxy” faces. I’m guessing they were either Japanese Akitas or Shibas 😆

              Yep Shibas are very much like Atitas, cat like, not good listeners, mine both LOVE strangers, somehow I broke that part of them, LOL, my parents does not hardly let anyone buy them pet him. Very independent, mine do not have owner loyalty though, the best way I can describe living with them is like having teenagers, as long as they have food you dont matter. I never recommend anyone get them, very few people want a small dog that is not a lap dog, there to soak up everything you do.


                Love bugs?


                  Bear hug.


                  Backward Hallmark Bears.

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