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    *Hands Jen a little umbrella for her rum*……Ummm, we’re TRYIN’ to be good…Honest……except for the bug porn. 😈


      tasgrs wrote:

      *Hands Jen a little umbrella for her rum*……Ummm, we’re TRYIN’ to be good…Honest……except for the bug porn. 😈

      i deny everything…….


      for all your bug porn needs! I found this when i was trying to figure out what the black bugs in Florida that mate all the time were. Seriously, all they do is fly around doing it, and they land on you and everything. They call them “Love Bugs”.


      Bug porn saves the thread again! You guys and your bug porn…you crack me up!


      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      i love thier sheeeeellls
      Hmm I don’t think i’ve ever seen shells like that. They’re pretty, save for what they’re doing 😆


      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      ddvm wrote:

      It’s all about creation! 😉 Inspiration is where you find it and these have been some really cool/beautiful bugs. (but we might also be whackos)

      i think being whacko goes hand in hand with finding inspiration…ROFL(especialy when it comes to us collectors >.>)

      Do you guys think there is any other forum online that lightens the mood by posting bug porn? I bet we are one of a kind.. lol


      Lokie wrote:

      Oh man, this has become a sleeping dog thread! 😀 I have a million photos of those 😛 :

      Here he is with his favorite sleep toy (yes, dogs have sleep toys too!)

      Awww what an adorable puppy! Is he all beagle?


      tasgrs wrote:

      *Hands Jen a little umbrella for her rum*……Ummm, we’re TRYIN’ to be good…Honest……except for the bug porn. 😈

      Hmm well as far as I am aware we are allowed to post bug porn, right Jennifer? 😆


        Well, actually, I’ve been thinking about this. Let’s call the photos something else, so search engines don’t pick us up and people think they’re going to a site that is not child friendly! Or get the site blocked on filters because there’s a naughty word…

        How about…

        “Bad Bugs?”
        “Scandalous Insects?”
        “The creation of future invertebrates?” 😉

        Hey, this will be a good use for the word filter…

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        Bug Party?

        Bug on Bug?

        Interesting Insects?

        Naughty Bugs?

        The Bugs and the Bees?


        I like the bugs and the bees or scandalous bugs


        Anyone who wants to turn this into a thread of pictures of their cute cats/dogs/ferrets/bunnies/anything fluffy and cute feel free! Oh, horses too! I love seeing other people’s pets 🙂


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        I like the bugs and the bees or scandalous bugs

        Me too


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Anyone who wants to turn this into a thread of pictures of their cute cats/dogs/ferrets/bunnies/anything fluffy and cute feel free! Oh, horses too! I love seeing other people’s pets 🙂

        Like this?

        Or this?


        Awww the horse must be part Arab? What’s the doggy? I can’t tell how big she is is she part Shiba? Gorgeous red color!

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