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- This topic has 154 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by Starbreeze.
May 21, 2008 at 10:23 pm #705177skigod377 wrote:
I didnt say that I agree with breed bans. I dont. I have two rotties, so I feel the descrimination too. That Bull dog that Tatt has, however, is not good with other dogs (though how she kept 3 together if one is not good with dogs is a mystery to me) and not good with kids. She “rescued” the dog (I use that term very loosly in this case) and now is giving it up again. Its older now, and no easier to place since breed bans are more prevalent instead of less. Because of the popularity of these breeds, the pounds are FULL of them. Most are simply destroyed. Should they even be in the pound? Of course not. Someone was irresponsible somewhere, but since they are there, its moot. The best ones are the ones that will find homes. Not the problem ones. We cant save them all. I do commend anyone getting them fixed because I would rather a fixed stray than an unfixed one. Anyway, I already apologized for getting angry, but like I said before, I see someone causing their own problems and then either blaming others, or making others pay for their mistakes. As for the other topic, the only problem I have is that Tatt cannot accept responsibility for her actions and once again places blame on the other party. Q1: Should she have updated her account? A: Yes. Q2: Should the buyer have to conduct an unsecure transaction with an unknown seller because of the sellers failure to update said account? A: No. Can the seller just accept that she made a mistake, fix it, and send a new invoice? A: No. Instead she places blame on the buyer. Thats why there is so much heat around here lately. I prefer to call a spade a spade, though I once again apologize for jumping on you, Tatt. I know you have alot to worry about. I would just ask that you think it thru before you ‘rescue’ any more pets.
She loves other dogs. She doesn’t like other dogs in her food, near her food, or treats. So she has to be fed seperately. I want her to go to a home where she can get all the attention and not have to worry about food being seperate.
And I think when they called me and told me she had less than 24 hours left before they gassed her- yes gassed in a mass group in a room- they don’t bother to put to sleep with a shot. And I drove 10 hours to get her, fully vetted her and trained her I damn well did rescue her thank you very much!
I didn’t say she’s not good with kids. I don’t know her history and dogs that I don’t know their history don’t get placed with small kids. She has been perfect with all my little cousins but I don’t place dogs with unknown history into families with small children. I have successfully pulled in the past year alone over 10 dogs from these kill shelters and 25 cats all who have found homes except this last one. They are all vetted on my dime – which mind you isn’t all that big I am a single person with one single income. I am very proud of what I do finding all of those animals homes and I don’t know how many thousands of dollars I’ve used up doing it. I don’t go out to the bar, I don’t go to movies, I don’t go to the mall. This is what I do. The American Bulldog, Lonesome I have only had for two months. Just last week I put her up for adoption because I decided she is now ready. Her vet work is done. She is potty trained and crate trained. She knows her basic commands. Most importantly, she is healthy. She was literally all bones I could see every one in her body and count them and now she is a healthy weight and happy.
May 21, 2008 at 10:26 pm #705178Now, I am done with this thread. Any one who wants to rip apart my personal life for saving the life of dogs, please, feel free to pm me.
May 21, 2008 at 10:49 pm #705179tatt2dcowgrl wrote:skigod377 wrote:I didnt say that I agree with breed bans. I dont. I have two rotties, so I feel the descrimination too. That Bull dog that Tatt has, however, is not good with other dogs (though how she kept 3 together if one is not good with dogs is a mystery to me) and not good with kids. She “rescued” the dog (I use that term very loosly in this case) and now is giving it up again. Its older now, and no easier to place since breed bans are more prevalent instead of less. Because of the popularity of these breeds, the pounds are FULL of them. Most are simply destroyed. Should they even be in the pound? Of course not. Someone was irresponsible somewhere, but since they are there, its moot. The best ones are the ones that will find homes. Not the problem ones. We cant save them all. I do commend anyone getting them fixed because I would rather a fixed stray than an unfixed one. Anyway, I already apologized for getting angry, but like I said before, I see someone causing their own problems and then either blaming others, or making others pay for their mistakes. As for the other topic, the only problem I have is that Tatt cannot accept responsibility for her actions and once again places blame on the other party. Q1: Should she have updated her account? A: Yes. Q2: Should the buyer have to conduct an unsecure transaction with an unknown seller because of the sellers failure to update said account? A: No. Can the seller just accept that she made a mistake, fix it, and send a new invoice? A: No. Instead she places blame on the buyer. Thats why there is so much heat around here lately. I prefer to call a spade a spade, though I once again apologize for jumping on you, Tatt. I know you have alot to worry about. I would just ask that you think it thru before you ‘rescue’ any more pets.
She loves other dogs. She doesn’t like other dogs in her food, near her food, or treats. So she has to be fed seperately. I want her to go to a home where she can get all the attention and not have to worry about food being seperate.
And I think when they called me and told me she had less than 24 hours left before they gassed her- yes gassed in a mass group in a room- they don’t bother to put to sleep with a shot. And I drove 10 hours to get her, fully vetted her and trained her I damn well did rescue her thank you very much!
I didn’t say she’s not good with kids. I don’t know her history and dogs that I don’t know their history don’t get placed with small kids. She has been perfect with all my little cousins but I don’t place dogs with unknown history into families with small children. I have successfully pulled in the past year alone over 10 dogs from these kill shelters and 25 cats all who have found homes except this last one. They are all vetted on my dime – which mind you isn’t all that big I am a single person with one single income. I am very proud of what I do finding all of those animals homes and I don’t know how many thousands of dollars I’ve used up doing it. I don’t go out to the bar, I don’t go to movies, I don’t go to the mall. This is what I do. The American Bulldog, Lonesome I have only had for two months. Just last week I put her up for adoption because I decided she is now ready. Her vet work is done. She is potty trained and crate trained. She knows her basic commands. Most importantly, she is healthy. She was literally all bones I could see every one in her body and count them and now she is a healthy weight and happy.So you foster dogs. I dont recall you saying that. Perhaps if you made that clear instead of telling us they were your dogs you may not have gotten so much heat. Fostering is a totally different story. Good luck finding them homes. Still curious about the other topic though. You gonna ever admit to fault or no?
May 21, 2008 at 10:51 pm #705180Just my .02…
If she took a dog from a shelter that had less than a day to live, I call that a rescue. I’m sure the dog would as well…May 21, 2008 at 10:53 pm #705181Fault for the e-bay thing? Hell fricking no. I didn’t even KNOW there was some sort of unprotected thing by using that account (which again, I typed that account into that auction). I could have at least got an e-mail saying that instead of just repeatedly sending money and wasting my time.
I assumed by saying I pulled the dogs from kill shelters and got them fixed and found them homes you would all know what I meant. In any case, she is my dog and my responsibility whether i’m fostering her or not.
But really now, I am done with this. That thread was locked.
May 21, 2008 at 10:57 pm #705182tatt2dcowgrl wrote:Fault for the e-bay thing? Hell fricking no. I didn’t even KNOW there was some sort of unprotected thing by using that account (which again, I typed that account into that auction). I could have at least got an e-mail saying that instead of just repeatedly sending money and wasting my time.
I assumed by saying I pulled the dogs from kill shelters and got them fixed and found them homes you would all know what I meant. In any case, she is my dog and my responsibility whether i’m fostering her or not.
But really now, I am done with this. That thread was locked.I guess ignorance is your excuse again. Just wanted to be sure that you still failed to accept that the fault was yours. Unbelievable. *shakes head*
May 21, 2008 at 11:10 pm #705183How am I supposed to know what was wrong if she didn’t tell me? Why in the world would you keep sending payments instead of saying hey, I can’t send payment to that account because of ‘x’
May 21, 2008 at 11:13 pm #705184Come on folks, calm down please? We don’t want Jennifer to have to lock another topic. 😕 Take it to PMs or email or preferably just drop it.
May 21, 2008 at 11:14 pm #705185BECAUSE IT’S YOUR FREAKIN’ACCOUNT!!! Keep track of it! 👿 It isn’t her job to tell you what is wrong with it. It’s yours to keep it up to date. End of rant. It’s like talking to a brick wall anyway. 🙄 Forget it Ski. *shakes head too*
May 21, 2008 at 11:17 pm #705186tatt2dcowgrl wrote:How am I supposed to know what was wrong if she didn’t tell me? Why in the world would you keep sending payments instead of saying hey, I can’t send payment to that account because of ‘x’
You are right. She very well could have said something about being unprotected instead of just resending payment. I just dont think that you should have made an unpaid claim against her and relisted the item so fast. *shrugs* Oh well. Whats done is done and folks can take what they want from all these situations and draw their own conclusions.
May 21, 2008 at 11:49 pm #705187pegasi1978 wrote:Come on folks, calm down please? We don’t want Jennifer to have to lock another topic. 😕 Take it to PMs or email or preferably just drop it.
Peg is right! as much as i want to make comments myself, it will just fuel a public fight.
and to all who want to defend the ebay buyer: you can not back some one into a corner and MAKE them admit something that they choose to remain in denial of. All it is going to do is fuel bickering and make it misserable for others and the Mods.
At some point, when threads have been locked for back and forth bickering….you have to consider that trying to press the issue is just going to make things worse.( perhaps people need to just leave Tatt alone in the public part of the forum since all it seems to do is make people bicker more)
(not saying you guys are in the wrong, just pointing out that none of this is making things better)
May 22, 2008 at 12:14 am #705188Bug porn, we need bug porn. Anyone have any?
May 22, 2008 at 12:16 am #705189Hmmm…ya know, it seems to me that not ALL the pitbulls around here have 4 legs. 😈
Can we drop it change the subject PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON IT???May 22, 2008 at 12:21 am #705190i love thier sheeeeellls
May 22, 2008 at 12:22 am #705191Walking sticks!
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