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- This topic has 154 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 9 months ago by Starbreeze.
May 21, 2008 at 6:15 pm #705162
Good luck. That one dog was probably still in the shelter for a reason. Not only are breed bans against her, but she is not good with other animals and certain children. She will be even harder to place. The other one you are giving away has no manners and because of that, will be hard to place. Why dont you give up the dog that has an owner asking for her back? You have only had her for a little while right? Still seems odd.
May 21, 2008 at 6:48 pm #705163Okay……I’m probably gonna need the asbestos underdrawers here, but screw it; I got a fire extinguisher and I know how to use it. 😈
People: chill out. PLEASE! Life is what happens while we make other plans; situations change; $**t happens; pick your euphemism. Are you guys gonna tell me you’ve never had your situation change for the bad out of the blue?
Rescue/adoption/abandonment of pets is a hot button–there have been multiple articles in our papers and on the radio about folks having to choose between feeding themselves or feeding their pets, because they can’t do both. Ditto for putting fuel/gas in their vehicles to get to work, or feeding their families and pets. Isn’t there enough stress here with tatt2d having to deal with her mom, and I’ve been there; DONE that; got the t-shirt and went home with my father AND then again with my grandmother. It sucks bad enough, doesn’t it? Add the stress of having to give up a pet that is considered a family member. Does it really matter where that pet came from in the first place? And then repeated multiple attempts to drag in a locked thread just to add a little more napalm to an already hot topic? Time out; sorry; BZZZZZZT! nope, not going there.
It’s time to sit back, take some prozac, zoloft, Jack Daniels; whatever your tranquilizer of choice may be, and take a deep breath and give it a rest.*cracks open a beer; (it’s 5:00 somewhere) and passes it around* There……now how about we find something we all agree on, like what brought us here in the first place??? 😉 🙂 Call me silly, but I think maybe we’re all over reacting just a tad… Stepping down from the soapbox, and backing away from my computer with my hands in the air now…..
May 21, 2008 at 7:10 pm #705164Everyone needs a good smile:
Chloe wants everyone to be happy!May 21, 2008 at 7:11 pm #705165Oh, too cute. I don’t drink so how about a nice big cup of tea for me… 😉
May 21, 2008 at 7:21 pm #705166Way too CUTE!!! My goodness she’s growing fast…. Love that ‘gummer’ smile; makes ya just want to snuzzle on her neck 😆
twindragonsmum 😀
May 21, 2008 at 7:29 pm #705167She’s getting cuter all the time! 😀
May 21, 2008 at 7:37 pm #705168Ooh!!Good use of the Cute Factor! I love it. 😆
She’s adorable…and looks like she just woke up. 😀*passes the teapot to Jasmine* I got Chamomile; will that do? 😉
May 21, 2008 at 7:41 pm #705169I kind of agree with the calm down thing. It is unrelated to the Ebay thing, from what I can tell, and I see no reason why it would be.
It SUCKS to have a family member diagnosed with cancer – it sucks even more when they don’t have someone to take care of them. I think Tatt was doing the good thing by moving in to help her mom. I also think she actually is trying to adopt out the dogs that have the most potential. A dog that is terrified of strangers is not all that adoptable. TRUST ME I worked at a shelter, I know!
Yes I think she should give both dogs to a breed specific rescue. They can help the dogs become adoptable, especially the bulldog they can even do background checks on adopters.
I can see why you didn’t want to explain tatt and I’m sorry that we made you do so. It seems to be a private matter and you were trying to handle it the best you could.
If you lived in Alberta I could give you a number of rescue organizations numbers to check out (many of them no kill shelters) but I would suggest going to your local humane shelter or vet and asking them, they have lists of these people usually you know.
OKAY!!!! Move on now??? Please????
May 21, 2008 at 8:16 pm #705170tatt2dcowgrl wrote:Necron99 wrote:tatt2dcowgrl wrote:purplecat wrote:I’ll just wait and see what response tatt has…although fighting to keep one animal..when you have too many, and are on the verge of having to find homes for others…seems very irresponsible. Always make sure before taking an animal into your home, that it can have a permanent home with you. Although I know unexpected stuff happens, to everyone…these two situations are uncomfortably close together for it to look like a responsibly handled situation.
At that point I didn’t intend on ever moving in with my mom- I’m an adult. Well, we also never thought she’d get a cancer diagnosis or we’d have the short amount of time the doctors are giving her.
i am sorry about the cancer but honstly what has that got to do with a dog ?? I am allowed to have as many dogs as i want and only have a white cell count of 2,000
Don’t apartments where you live have a dog limit? And cities have limits too. We looked very hard to find one that would allow her two dogs let alone one that would allow three dogs so I could keep Rusty
i wouldnt know i own
May 21, 2008 at 8:24 pm #705171skigod377 wrote:Good luck. That one dog was probably still in the shelter for a reason. Not only are breed bans against her
Now you are pushing my hot button
😆 😆
My brother in MI has raised Bull Terriers for years. He breeds for gentle disposition not for fighting even though he could make more money with certain bloodlines. My brother had a male that turned aggressive. He refused to breed him and as a last resort had him put down rather than pass on the trait.
I love Akita’s and other large breeds. We’ve had more trouble with our neighbors hyper aggressive small dogs than any of the Rottweiler, German Shepherds, Chows,or “Bull” type dogs in our area. And there are plenty. We live in the country. Not everyone has fences or keeps their dogs tied.
It is 99% of the time the fault of the irresponsible owner when something bad happens. In our case it has always been because of the smaller dogs. We have our dogs fenced in. Their smaller more aggressive dogs
( six daschunds )slip through everyday and one in particular tries to pick a fight with my Akita/Chow. Or they run out in the pasture nip at our horses. We’ve talked to the neighbor repeatedly. His answer? Well just shoot em. 👿 Like that would help. I don’t want them to get hurt in the first place.
Their is currently no animal control of any kind in this county and we’ve already tried calling the sheriff. Oh and we had our dogs and our fence in place before they ever got the smaller dogs.
I’m not saying there aren’t large breed aggressive dogs. They just get more of a bad rap because they are bigger.BSL = a quick fix only!
Current mood: aggravated
Category: Pets and AnimalsBSL = quick fix!
from http://www. pbrc. net/breedspecific. html
Breed specific ordinances are quick fixes and not a sufficient long term solution for the following reasons:
1. Dog problems are generally problems with owner responsibility and are not limited to breeds. When breeds are singled out as dangerous or vicious, responsibility is removed from the dog owner which is where it belongs. Irresponsible people are also less likely to follow the law – and as a result, everyone has to suffer.
2. By limiting the ability of citizens to own certain breeds, responsible law abiding citizens will shy away from those breeds. These are the types of owners that communities need to encourage, not drive away.
3. Communities that have instituted such bans often find that the irresponsible owners and the criminals who use dogs for illegal purposes simply switch to another breed.
4. Breeds and mixes are hard to identify and often dogs are mis labeled and destroyed based on paranoia and prejudice and also punishes those that are good canine citizens. Many breeds function as assistance dogs for handicapped owners, search and rescue dogs, drug-sniffing dogs, police dogs, etc. and drives them out of the community.
The American Veterinary Medical Association and several state veterinary medical associations oppose breed-specific legislation for just this reason.
5. The dog most restricted is the “pit bull.” A pit bull is a type of dog, not a recognized breed.
6. Passage of laws that are only enforced through complaints cause two problems: 1) they create disrespect for the law if authorities require compliance only upon complaint, and 2) they provide ammunition for neighborhood feuds.
http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/breedlaws.htmlMay 21, 2008 at 8:52 pm #705172I hear you, Khat. “Judge the deed, NOT the breed”.
My mom had a Rottie for years; my farrier’s GF has a pitbull aged 15(!!) and I have a friend who is active in the breed rescue. None of them has ever had a problem with their dogs. Winston the pitbull is better socialized than a lot of other dogs I’ve met. But those folks are all responsible EDUCATED OWNERS. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people that have the problem dogs (of any breed) are not.
Where I live we frequently have dog problems with feral packs–coydogs– (as well as coyotes 😯 ) but the only time I have had to threaten a dog was the nasty Min Pin from down the road. He had some mighty big ambitions, chasing my horses around. 😛 His owner came into the yard after him, and when I told her to get her dog, or he was going to be shot, her response was go ahead and shoot him; save me a lot of aggravation. Hello??
And would I have shot him had she not been able to corral and catch him? Let’s see….vet bills to fix horses run through the fence, lumber yeard bills to fix the above mentioned fence, and time spent on having to care for injured horses……hmmmmm. What do YOU think? I have to wonder sometimes…..
But the breed bans don’t work anymore than gun bans do. Bans only work for people that respect the laws…*sigh*May 21, 2008 at 9:00 pm #705173Yay! It seems that things have cooled down for now! Chloe is happy now, as am I! 😛
May 21, 2008 at 9:44 pm #705174I didnt say that I agree with breed bans. I dont. I have two rotties, so I feel the descrimination too. That Bull dog that Tatt has, however, is not good with other dogs (though how she kept 3 together if one is not good with dogs is a mystery to me) and not good with kids. She “rescued” the dog (I use that term very loosly in this case) and now is giving it up again. Its older now, and no easier to place since breed bans are more prevalent instead of less. Because of the popularity of these breeds, the pounds are FULL of them. Most are simply destroyed. Should they even be in the pound? Of course not. Someone was irresponsible somewhere, but since they are there, its moot. The best ones are the ones that will find homes. Not the problem ones. We cant save them all. I do commend anyone getting them fixed because I would rather a fixed stray than an unfixed one. Anyway, I already apologized for getting angry, but like I said before, I see someone causing their own problems and then either blaming others, or making others pay for their mistakes. As for the other topic, the only problem I have is that Tatt cannot accept responsibility for her actions and once again places blame on the other party. Q1: Should she have updated her account? A: Yes. Q2: Should the buyer have to conduct an unsecure transaction with an unknown seller because of the sellers failure to update said account? A: No. Can the seller just accept that she made a mistake, fix it, and send a new invoice? A: No. Instead she places blame on the buyer. Thats why there is so much heat around here lately. I prefer to call a spade a spade, though I once again apologize for jumping on you, Tatt. I know you have alot to worry about. I would just ask that you think it thru before you ‘rescue’ any more pets.
May 21, 2008 at 10:14 pm #705175skigod377 wrote:Good luck. That one dog was probably still in the shelter for a reason. Not only are breed bans against her, but she is not good with other animals and certain children. She will be even harder to place. The other one you are giving away has no manners and because of that, will be hard to place. Why dont you give up the dog that has an owner asking for her back? You have only had her for a little while right? Still seems odd.
SHe doesn’t have an ‘owner’. She has a lady that showed up after I got her saying she’s on a contract to come back to her. I never saw that contract. All I know is she has near 100 dogs on a farm many designer breed puppies that she’s selling and not spaying any before they leave- to me that screams puppy mill not rescue. They all live in cages. This dog is terrified of strangers I don’t know what happened to her in the past but she would lose her mind if she went to live in a cage in a row with that many other dogs.
May 21, 2008 at 10:16 pm #705176Dragon87 wrote:I kind of agree with the calm down thing. It is unrelated to the Ebay thing, from what I can tell, and I see no reason why it would be.
It SUCKS to have a family member diagnosed with cancer – it sucks even more when they don’t have someone to take care of them. I think Tatt was doing the good thing by moving in to help her mom. I also think she actually is trying to adopt out the dogs that have the most potential. A dog that is terrified of strangers is not all that adoptable. TRUST ME I worked at a shelter, I know!
Yes I think she should give both dogs to a breed specific rescue. They can help the dogs become adoptable, especially the bulldog they can even do background checks on adopters.
I can see why you didn’t want to explain tatt and I’m sorry that we made you do so. It seems to be a private matter and you were trying to handle it the best you could.
If you lived in Alberta I could give you a number of rescue organizations numbers to check out (many of them no kill shelters) but I would suggest going to your local humane shelter or vet and asking them, they have lists of these people usually you know.
OKAY!!!! Move on now??? Please????
Thanks for the advice. Many, many dogs are dying in shelters here and especially southern Illinois and I would like to place them first to save the added burden on a rescue. To me and my values- it is extremely irresponsible to expect someone else to deal with finding them a home. Also, I would like to meet the family they are going to, after all I do like them lol! Thank you again.
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