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    purpledoggy wrote:

    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    purpledoggy wrote:

    Yeah I never said it was (I have no idea). Even if it isn’t the same dog and you have to give up any of your dogs why not just give that one back to the rescue organization? Since they have a history with the dog it should be easier for them to find him/her a new home.

    I have dogs and my mom has dogs. We are moving together so I can take care of her and there is a dog limit. I can only bring one. Lonesome the bulldog I got for the sole purpose of saving her life- getting her socialized and vetted, and finding her a new home. Unfortunately now time is crunched. Greta and Rusty are the 2 shepherds. Rusty is the rescue dog I am keeping. Greta I cannot keep because she lacks manners and is very pushy and can easily knock my ill mother down.

    So why not keep the dog that you have had the longest? Why not give the other dog back to the recuse organization that you WRONGFULLY took from it?

    Did you read my post? Jesus Christ people. The one I have had the longest is the purebred Shepherd- she cannot come. My mom is ill and fragile and this dog is jumpy and pushy and would knock her down. I didn’t wrongfully take anyones dog this ‘rescue’ lady appeared out of no where wanting the mix shepherd back with no paperwork. She has almost 100 dogs on her farm over half of which are designer puppies (pomapoo, jackapoo, pomchi, goldendoodle, labradoodle, you get the idea). To me, she seems like a puppy mill.


      Yeah I’m gonna sound like an ass but here goes…. if your mom is so sick WHY are you going to bring more animals into her home when they might “knock her over”? Have you ever had to care for someone who is terminally ill before? Adding more animals to the mix is going to do nothing but stress her out more.


      purpledoggy wrote:

      As far as the whole ebay thing you got owned plan and simple. The seller sent you money through paypal AND ebay. You are just upset that it didn’t sell for what she had originally offered you. I have a shovel in my shed would you like me to go get it for you so you can dig your hole deeper?

      What don’t you get? The money she’s sending to the wrong one goes into that paypal account that I don’t use any more and there is no bank account attached to it so I have no way to get the money out! What should I do, donate the money to paypal? Should the buyer get to choose to pick where to send the money? Should I go down town and open a new checking account to connect to that paypal account? The auction was linked to the correct paypal e-mail. If she has such a problem with paypal she could start with e-mailing me instead of repeatedly sending money to the wrong e-mail. Or, she could send a money order.


        I’m leaving this alone if your gonna get snotty with your responses. Several of your threads have turned nasty as of late. Check your temper at the door girl. 😕


        purplecat wrote:

        purpledoggy wrote:

        So why not keep the dog that you have had the longest? Why not give the other dog back to the recuse organization that you WRONGFULLY took from it?

        this went through my mind…dogs are social animals. The one you’ve had the longest will have the hardest time adjusting to a new family. why take the newest dog with you? ❓

        Again, the one I’ve had the longest is the purebred shepherd, greta, and she’s still only a year old. She is pushy and shovey and would knock my mom who is using a walker down. The mixed breed is staying because she is much more gentle and she is also terrified of strangers- I don’t know what the last man did to her but she will literally piss herself if she deems you scary. She would have a horrible time adjusting to a new place after she is attached to me now.


          HELLO LINK A BANK ACCOUNT TO IT! Dear freakin GOD its not that hard!


            She’ll also probably not adjust to a new family…and get sent to a shelter when they dont understand her needs. 🙁


            Necron99 wrote:

            tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

            purplecat wrote:

            I’ll just wait and see what response tatt has…although fighting to keep one animal..when you have too many, and are on the verge of having to find homes for others…seems very irresponsible. Always make sure before taking an animal into your home, that it can have a permanent home with you. Although I know unexpected stuff happens, to everyone…these two situations are uncomfortably close together for it to look like a responsibly handled situation.

            At that point I didn’t intend on ever moving in with my mom- I’m an adult. Well, we also never thought she’d get a cancer diagnosis or we’d have the short amount of time the doctors are giving her.

            i am sorry about the cancer but honstly what has that got to do with a dog ?? I am allowed to have as many dogs as i want and only have a white cell count of 2,000

            Don’t apartments where you live have a dog limit? And cities have limits too. We looked very hard to find one that would allow her two dogs let alone one that would allow three dogs so I could keep Rusty


              Whoa, okay.

              For reals. Deep breath, you guys are better than this.

              Is it the heat? I know it’s hot in the southwest right now. Fries the brains a little bit. I dunno, it’s pretty cool here right now. Below average…

              Okay, really- one rule for having a civil discussion. Don’t bring up things that are unrelated (re: eBay) to use as an argument. For goodness sakes. There is a reason those threads are closed. eBay has nothing to to with the dogs. Nothing.

              Just– calm down. Some apologies are probably in order… step up, be the bigger person, and if you were wong, apologize. You don’t have to do it here. Send a PM or something.

              Please, please don’t make me lock another one.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                purpledoggy wrote:

                Yeah I never said it was (I have no idea). Even if it isn’t the same dog and you have to give up any of your dogs why not just give that one back to the rescue organization? Since they have a history with the dog it should be easier for them to find him/her a new home.

                I have dogs and my mom has dogs. We are moving together so I can take care of her and there is a dog limit. I can only bring one. Lonesome the bulldog I got for the sole purpose of saving her life- getting her socialized and vetted, and finding her a new home. Unfortunately now time is crunched. Greta and Rusty are the 2 shepherds. Rusty is the rescue dog I am keeping. Greta I cannot keep because she lacks manners and is very pushy and can easily knock my ill mother down.Is there no dog and cat limit in the apartment you are currently in? I have never heard of an apartment allowing 3 dogs and 7 cats. Esp not a small one.


                skigod377 wrote:

                tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                purpledoggy wrote:

                Yeah I never said it was (I have no idea). Even if it isn’t the same dog and you have to give up any of your dogs why not just give that one back to the rescue organization? Since they have a history with the dog it should be easier for them to find him/her a new home.

                I have dogs and my mom has dogs. We are moving together so I can take care of her and there is a dog limit. I can only bring one. Lonesome the bulldog I got for the sole purpose of saving her life- getting her socialized and vetted, and finding her a new home. Unfortunately now time is crunched. Greta and Rusty are the 2 shepherds. Rusty is the rescue dog I am keeping. Greta I cannot keep because she lacks manners and is very pushy and can easily knock my ill mother down.Is there no dog and cat limit in the apartment you are currently in? I have never heard of an apartment allowing 3 dogs and 7 cats. Esp not a small one.

                The town of albion doesn’t have a limit, probably because it’s not even incorporated and they don’t bother with such rules. The landlord doesn’t really care so much about the cats because only 3 are mine and the rest are rescues coming in and out and he loves animals. However, he doesn’t want more than 3 dogs at a time there which is understandable. It’s very large- it’s an old factory made into 6 apartments and a real estate business. It’s bigger than my mom’s farm house.


                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  Yeah I never said it was (I have no idea). Even if it isn’t the same dog and you have to give up any of your dogs why not just give that one back to the rescue organization? Since they have a history with the dog it should be easier for them to find him/her a new home.

                  I have dogs and my mom has dogs. We are moving together so I can take care of her and there is a dog limit. I can only bring one. Lonesome the bulldog I got for the sole purpose of saving her life- getting her socialized and vetted, and finding her a new home. Unfortunately now time is crunched. Greta and Rusty are the 2 shepherds. Rusty is the rescue dog I am keeping. Greta I cannot keep because she lacks manners and is very pushy and can easily knock my ill mother down.Is there no dog and cat limit in the apartment you are currently in? I have never heard of an apartment allowing 3 dogs and 7 cats. Esp not a small one.

                  The town of albion doesn’t have a limit, probably because it’s not even incorporated and they don’t bother with such rules. The landlord doesn’t really care so much about the cats because only 3 are mine and the rest are rescues coming in and out and he loves animals. However, he doesn’t want more than 3 dogs at a time there which is understandable. It’s very large- it’s an old factory made into 6 apartments and a real estate business. It’s bigger than my mom’s farm house. So you are keeping all the rest? I apologize for jumping to conclusions, though I still dont agree with what you are doing. There is a reason that apartments and such have limits, and that is usually because people cant care for that many animals, or its not sanitary to have that many. Now the animals are the ones going to suffer. I applaud rescueing, but when you take on more than appropriate (no one can be a one-man army) then it just adds to the problem. Now others have to come rescue your animals. I wish you luck and hope you find homes, and I am sorry about your mother. I do suggest getting your dog some obedience lessons, since that is part of being a good owner.


                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  Yeah I’m gonna sound like an ass but here goes…. if your mom is so sick WHY are you going to bring more animals into her home when they might “knock her over”? Have you ever had to care for someone who is terminally ill before? Adding more animals to the mix is going to do nothing but stress her out more.

                  She is losing her home. We are moving to an apartment together- and I am bringing *one* dog who is very shy and extremely gentle, the mixed german shepherd. I have never met a dog that is this gentle- seriously she wouldn’t hurt a fly. As far as my cats, I don’t think they would hurt my mom either.


                  purplecat wrote:

                  I’m leaving this alone if your gonna get snotty with your responses. Several of your threads have turned nasty as of late. Check your temper at the door girl. 😕

                  And everyone is being nice to me? Ha. I just posted thinking I’d try every avenue I could to find a home for 2 great dogs and I get jumped on. Believe me, this is hard enough without everyone’s judgement.


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

                  purpledoggy wrote:

                  Yeah I never said it was (I have no idea). Even if it isn’t the same dog and you have to give up any of your dogs why not just give that one back to the rescue organization? Since they have a history with the dog it should be easier for them to find him/her a new home.

                  I have dogs and my mom has dogs. We are moving together so I can take care of her and there is a dog limit. I can only bring one. Lonesome the bulldog I got for the sole purpose of saving her life- getting her socialized and vetted, and finding her a new home. Unfortunately now time is crunched. Greta and Rusty are the 2 shepherds. Rusty is the rescue dog I am keeping. Greta I cannot keep because she lacks manners and is very pushy and can easily knock my ill mother down.Is there no dog and cat limit in the apartment you are currently in? I have never heard of an apartment allowing 3 dogs and 7 cats. Esp not a small one.

                  The town of albion doesn’t have a limit, probably because it’s not even incorporated and they don’t bother with such rules. The landlord doesn’t really care so much about the cats because only 3 are mine and the rest are rescues coming in and out and he loves animals. However, he doesn’t want more than 3 dogs at a time there which is understandable. It’s very large- it’s an old factory made into 6 apartments and a real estate business. It’s bigger than my mom’s farm house. So you are keeping all the rest? I apologize for jumping to conclusions, though I still dont agree with what you are doing. There is a reason that apartments and such have limits, and that is usually because people cant care for that many animals, or its not sanitary to have that many. Now the animals are the ones going to suffer. I applaud rescueing, but when you take on more than appropriate (no one can be a one-man army) then it just adds to the problem. Now others have to come rescue your animals. I wish you luck and hope you find homes, and I am sorry about your mother. I do suggest getting your dog some obedience lessons, since that is part of being a good owner.

                  I am keeping *one* dog and my three cats who I have had one for eight years and the other two for three years (sisters). So we will have three dogs and three cats. They are ALL spayed and all are up to date on shots, frontline, and heartgard. They are all extremely well taken care of. They eat canidae and felidae.

                  As for the other two dogs- one I took to save her LIFE and whether I was moving or not she would be looking for a new home- it’s just unfortunately more urgent that she finds one now then it was before. The other one is going to have to find a new home, yes. But I don’t think I’m the worst person in the world for having to find her one- shit happens. Both my mom and I are sick and I’d appreciate it if the judgement passing would quit now.

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