Dogs for adoption

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    I know this is a long shot but please pass the word around. I have 2 dogs that need to find a home by June 13th. The first is a rescue dog I pulled from a kill shelter in Illinois with less than 24 hours to live. She is an American Bulldog. She’s all white except for a brown spot on her butt/tail and bright blue eyes. She’s a lover and very loyal to her people. She likes to play with other dogs but needs to be an only dog in her new forever home. She’s ok with cats and bigger respectful kids. She’s all up to date on vet work now and has filled out, is crate trained and knows basic commands. Her adoption fee is $150 but is negotiable to a good home! She’s gorgeous and just the best listener and a quick learner too.

    The other is my own dog. As many of you know, we have lots of animals. Well, it has come time to move and I have to find a home for one of my dogs and this one has been with me the shortest time. Her name is Greta and she is a purebred German Shepherd- the classic black and tan saddle back. She’s spayed and up to date on shots, frontline, heartgard, all that good stuff. She’s crate trained and she loves other dogs and is ok with cats and kids too. I don’t really have an adoption fee set in stone for her but I do have a lot of money into her with buying her and all of the vet work, but I just want her to go to a good home too.

    If anyone knows any other avenues other then craigslist, kijiji, and also that I should have them on please let me know! If you know of someone looking for a dog please feel free to pass my contact info along to them or if you yourself are please pm me! Thanks for reading!! 😀


      Oh, I wish I could. Good luck. I hope you find them great homes. 🙂


        If I was still in Nebraska, I’d come get Greta, but I’m afraid that won’t really work out now….

        Good luck finding them both homes. 🙂


        Good luck finding them homes! Wish I could help, I live in WI but a small upstairs apartment wouldn’t be a good home for a dog 🙁


        Good luck, tatt2d! I love seeing sweet dogs going to good homes! I hope you can place them!


        Thanks guys, I sure hope I find them a good home soon. I suppose if I don’t find one before June 1st or so I will start looking for a foster home.


          I really wish I could take in the bulldog. I had two growing up, and they are so sweet.
          We’ve already got one dog right now though. A bassett who is costing us a fortune with her mysterious stomach issues.
          Good luck finding them homes!


          travistie wrote:

          I really wish I could take in the bulldog. I had two growing up, and they are so sweet.
          We’ve already got one dog right now though. A bassett who is costing us a fortune with her mysterious stomach issues.
          Good luck finding them homes!

          Aww I hope you find something to fix her tummy problems! 🙂


            Is this the same dog you refused to give back to the rescue organization? Why don’t you just give him/her back so they can find them another home?


              Is this the same dog you were so adamant about keeping in this thread? All that mess and you are just getting rid of it anyway. Disposable doggies. 🙄


              skigod377 wrote:

              Is this the same dog you were so adamant about keeping in this thread? All that mess and you are just getting rid of it anyway. Disposable doggies. 🙄



                Necron99 wrote:

                skigod377 wrote:

                Is this the same dog you were so adamant about keeping in this thread? All that mess and you are just getting rid of it anyway. Disposable doggies. 🙄

                [/img]Appropriate pic. Seriously. How can someone go from bragging about how they just want to give the dog a good home and are so attached to it blah blah blah and a month later post it for adoption on a fantasy forum? I think that adoption lady had the right idea. I tell you, Tatt… you are on a roll. Perhaps I am being mean, but I am for people accepting responsibility for their actions: Keeping a pet they “rescue”, updating their own paypal account instead of expecting buyers to take a risk and send payment to an alternate account with no buyer protection, and perhaps not expecting a seller to pay for damages when the buyer tosses out the packing materials on an insured item. Everything with you seems to be someone elses fault, hu?

                Edited to add: And your adoption fee of $150 on the bulldog… does that mean you had her spayed? cuz you never mentioned it. After the comment about selling dogs instead of adopting them out, I am just curious.


                  Poor doggy. I don’t understand what’s going on here at all. 😕


                    Just want to point out we don’t know for sure that Greta is the dog from the other thread. Tatt never gave the dog’s name in it.

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