doggie dancing

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    Okay, don’t know if this was ever posted, but I love this! The dog looks so happy with herself (himself?); she knows she’s doing good!

    This really made me smile.


      Aww, that’s too cute!


      That is so cool! You can tell the dog is having a blast! But man can you imagine how much time it took his owner to teach him to do all that? She had his full attention though, he watched for his cues and executed them flawlessly. A really good performer, and so smart.

      That was really awesome, thanks for sharing!



      Hahaha! That was GREAT! It must have taken ages to train him, but he looks like he was having a blast!


      Awesome! That dog dances better than most people! πŸ˜†


      This made me smile too!! Both the dog and owner look like their having so much fun!!


      The neat thing is that most of it is just basic obedience commands and anyone can do it. What a great way to bond with your dog! Dogs just wanna have fun! πŸ˜€


        VERY KEWL!!


          Very cute! They give John and Olivia a run for the money:) πŸ˜†


            So cool!! Now, if only I can get my cats to do that… πŸ˜†


            Wow! What a great video–and that’s sure to keep them both in shape! πŸ˜†

            Thanks for sharing! πŸ˜€


              boskydragon wrote:

              Okay, don’t know if this was ever posted, but I love this! The dog looks so happy with herself (himself?); she knows she’s doing good!

              This really made me smile.
     has got to be the most pleasant thing I have watched in a long time. Thank you for sharing. I was incredibly entertained. πŸ˜†


                YAY for Canine Freestyle!!

                Plan on doing this with the next Dally!! Jube used to be fairly good but, never really worked hard for it, or made routines. I already have some routines worked out, including one for the KMFDM(or it might be MFDKM, not sure, I inherited it along with Franken-comp) “Torpedoes” 😈

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