Hi folks! I know a lot of you are dog lovers. I just wanted to spread this news- take or leave what you will from the article, but please do use care in your dog toy selection.
The company’s website shows the toy as still for sale though. 🙁 I hope the “recall” isn’t just a PR stunt of some sort and that they just forgot to pull it from the site, but it doesn’t exactly fill me with joy to see it still there. I also have to wonder about their other rubber dog toys that, although slightly differently shaped, still have that same single hole in them. Theoretically they could be just as dangerous.
Thanks for posting this Jennifer. Those poor dogs! It’s especially awful for poor Chai. 🙁 I will not be buying any of the toys made by that company for my dog. I have also forwarded this to all my co-workers who have dogs too.