does this happen often? photos pg2

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    I had one take a dive off of my desk. I still don’t know how that happened. But, the fall didn’t hurt it. I had a kirin fall over just as I finished painting… Got wet paint on the desk, and had a spot where I had to go back and repaint…. Oh and the fall slightly bent the horn. 🙁 I have no luck with those kirin horns. I’m going to stop buying them if I keep bending the horns….


      So far only my PYO griffin seems to have had a mishap, and that was after he was finished!

      I did tip over a PYO dragon the other day while painting (was holding him tipped back, and he slipped) but he only went about an inch before the table and my hand got in the way, so no damage done.)

      You must just have a particularly suicidal one! Do we have any Windstone psychotherapists on the boards, the way Kyrin is the local Windstone surgeon? 🙂

      KoishiiKitty wrote:

      really? have you guys had this happen? This is the second time a pyo has taken a dive on me. This time he had just been sprayed too. He lost his horns.

      *rants and yells and growls at everything*

      I am SOOOOOOOOOO not happy with this. I have seeing a pyo get damaged.

      *rants some more*

      Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


        Here he is. I will be sending him to kyrin to be fixed and then he will be sold to who ever wants him. I’ll pm you later Kyrin. it will be a bit before i send him because i will be painting another almost exactly like him and will be using him as a template for the that i can get my commissioner a finished dragon as soon as possible.


          Aww that’s a shame about this dragon. He’s gorgeous.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            Aww that’s a shame about this dragon. He’s gorgeous.

            I am really happy with his colors. his sides actualy have three different shades of grean, a teel jade, to emerald, to light emerald that has gold interference. >_< bad koishii. stop breaking dragons.


            He’s beautiful…but I’m gonna hold out for a Keeper from you.

            I can’t wait until Windstone gets settled so we can have those back.



              The color scheme is really nice!

              Hey, you could just put a hood on him :mrgreen:

              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                Very pretty Koishii! Love that color combo. Kyrin will fix him up nicely.

                twindragonsmum 😀



                  😯 OMG…I hope this does not happen to me…I would cry!
                  He’s beautiful Koishi! 😀


                    That’s sad that he broke Koishii, and when you were all done to 😥 ! I would have been so mad at myself. But it happens 🙄 . I’m glad that has’nt happened to me….yet. Has anyone figured out why all the pretty pretties that we love and value are usually breakable 😕 !


                    Aw, I’m sorry, Koishii. He looks so pretty.
                    I can tell you, though, the two little dragon PYOs I did both arrivedwith their right horns broken clean off. Seems to be a weak point on them.


                    Aw 🙁 aqua dragon was beautiful too.


                    The color scheme on this one is gorgeous. I love the blending! You are so talented! 🙂


                      so i finaly finished the replacement pyo. here is the new on and the broken one side by side. the new one is not sprayed yet in these photos so the inderference is not showing up as much:


                        Koishii, I got Violet yesterday and wow. He is -amazing- in person! His colors are so much better in person. Thank you so much!

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