
does anyone remember???

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    Can someone tell me who was painting the really nice tiger griffins??? I know last time I saw a thread involving them the artist was swamped with orders and not taking any more for awhile. I was wondering if that had changed at all yet????. Thanks all!!!


      It was Arlla (I think thats how its spelt)




        Yes, the forum member painting the tabby tigers is Arlla. She currently is in the middle of the move with the factory (she now works at Windstone!), so her schedule is a bit hectic at the moment and hasn’t had much time to paint lately. You might want to PM her to get more info though 🙂


          Yup, it’s me! ^_^ And yes, as of now, there are definitely no more tiger griffins…I’m going to try very hard to get them to those who are on my waiting list, though it will take me a good long while, but I think it’s safe to say that I won’t be doing any more after that.
          There will be one up on ebay eventually, though, so you can keep your eye out for that one! 😉 And thanks so much for your interest in my griffins – it always makes my day when I hear people like them! ^_^

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          -J R R Tolkien

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