
Does anyone know this seller?

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        They are: sfth6. This seller is selling several things, all with stock photos. Does anyone know them or if they are legit?



        I don’t know if it is legit, but the auctions are confusing to me. I emailed him and asked if he had a acutal photo of the item he is selling.


          No idea. But I saw these last night. If you’re interested in that rising spectral, I’d ask them what color it’s for. They don’t actually specify.

          It just doesn’t feel right when they knowingly use pics of the wrong color on an auction. They use an emerald lap photo for a peacock auction: “Same as in photo except in Peacock.” Granted, they do tell you… but if you’re using stock pics, why not use the right one? 😕

          Looks like they haven’t sold anything for about a year… but keplilly bought a dragon from them last July, so I would assume they’re okay.


          Oh, yeah. I asked what color the Rising was also.


            At least on that Spectral they’ve said the box has never been open, so how do they know it came in one piece? Or without other blemishes? 😯


            That is another good point.


              The guy might not have a digital camera, so he can’t take photos of his stuff. That happens a lot.
              But I don’t know about the whole, “same as photo but in peacock thing” 😕 And I agree with Lupin, if the box was never opened, how do they know what condition he’s in?
              Thats a good price for a riser though, isn’t it?


                Maebnus3 wrote:

                No idea. But I saw these last night. If you’re interested in that rising spectral, I’d ask them what color it’s for. They don’t actually specify.

                It just doesn’t feel right when they knowingly use pics of the wrong color on an auction. They use an emerald lap photo for a peacock auction: “Same as in photo except in Peacock.” Granted, they do tell you… but if you’re using stock pics, why not use the right one? 😕

                Looks like they haven’t sold anything for about a year… but keplilly bought a dragon from them last July, so I would assume they’re okay.

                I did? Wow, hard to remember that far back. Not sure which one it is but I know I would not lie about that. Though I am suspicious of the stock photos and the fact they have not been active for a year. I know they didn’t use a stock photo when I bought because I don’t like that practice.

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  It is. And if I’d had any money left, I’d have bought it. Somebody called magegryphon got it instead.


                    They had a White Mother Curled Dragon, but I was too slow. Darn it!

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