to my understanding the limited production or limited edition pieces or color schemes will NEVER end up as regualr production pieces. It woudl de value the limited part of the piece that people paid so much for
to my understanding the limited production or limited edition pieces or color schemes will NEVER end up as regualr production pieces. It woudl de value the limited part of the piece that people paid so much for
No, I wisely left a loophole on the Prototype Old Warriors, since they were prototypes and test paints, I said in the auction words that “any of these test paint colors may be used for future production colors, but there will be only ___ of these prototype old warriors made in this color” or smething to that effect. I still hesitate to make the old warriors in BG but I think that someday we will. The Prototypes are still very rare. “limited Edition” pieces that are not test paints will never be made again. This includes many of the Secret Keepers. That was a bad decision on my part! There can never be Em Pea Secret Keepers in production!
Black gold suited the old warrior better than any other color I think I’ve seen…except possibly the autumn leaf. I would LOOOVE the opportunity to get an ow in black gold. 😀
I would LOVE a BG OW. BG is my favorite color… and I will not buy a sculpture if I don’t absolutely love it… I really want an OW… but with peacock long retired, and BG OW not looking like a production, it looks like I won’t be getting an OW… (at least not any time soon… hopefully BG OW DO become a production. I would be so happy)
Ah well. That’s what I get for being picky and only like two color schemes! XD