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- This topic has 16 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 15 years, 4 months ago by NirvanaCat13.
October 19, 2009 at 8:51 pm #787762
I found this on a google image search. Someone had uploaded it to their photobucket account without a credit.
Does anyone know who the artist is or the name of the picture?
October 19, 2009 at 8:51 pm #499422October 19, 2009 at 9:33 pm #787763No, I don’t, but I think it might speak to Nirvanacat and her migraine…
October 20, 2009 at 4:54 am #787764Sorry, haven’t the foggiest – but it’s certainly neat image!
twindragonsmum 😀
October 20, 2009 at 3:03 pm #787765dragonmedley wrote:No, I don’t, but I think it might speak to Nirvanacat and her migraine…
I don’t think I’ll ever think of this image the same way again. XD
October 20, 2009 at 3:59 pm #787766SilverArrow wrote:dragonmedley wrote:No, I don’t, but I think it might speak to Nirvanacat and her migraine…
I don’t think I’ll ever think of this image the same way again. XD
Sorry! But I read your post just after I read Nirvana’s. It is beautiful. Do let us know if you find out the artist.
October 23, 2009 at 5:40 am #787767dragonmedley wrote:SilverArrow wrote:dragonmedley wrote:No, I don’t, but I think it might speak to Nirvanacat and her migraine…
I don’t think I’ll ever think of this image the same way again. XD
Sorry! But I read your post just after I read Nirvana’s. It is beautiful. Do let us know if you find out the artist.
No worries. My boyfriend gets migraines on the level of Nirvana’s so I can relate to her and knowing his sense of humor he would whole heartedly agree with your comment. 😀
I will post again if I find the artist.
October 23, 2009 at 9:51 am #787768dragonmedley wrote:No, I don’t, but I think it might speak to Nirvanacat and her migraine…
It spoke to me…Spoke volumes….and I had a nice long conversation with Mr. Toiletbowl afterwards….apparently volumes of art makes one dizzy while acquired with a migraine XD XD 😈 🙄
And sorry, I haven’t the faintest clue who it might be =/
This guy had it on his web site…http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.stuartwildeblog.com/storage/goddess%25201.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.stuartwildeblog.com/jeff-c/2009/5/5/white-goddess-showing-me-love.html&usg=__mLT_aETGt-fOxELNfOlS4cdwIiU=&h=500&w=383&sz=30&hl=en&start=8&um=1&tbnid=3pzmdFVGcUId7M:&tbnh=130&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dwhite%2Bgoddess%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26um%3D1 maybe worth contacting him and seeing where he got it if you’re really wanting to know. Other than that couldn’t really find anything on google…October 23, 2009 at 10:06 am #787769And lookie lookies what I found….
Interesting art book and look who’s on the back cover
http://beinart.org/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=2_4&products_id=4&PHPSESSID=816fd97f79fa684caae8f665606dcfbcAnd the coup d’etat: your artist.
http://beinart.org/artists/andrew-gonzalez/gallery/paintings/Tell me you love me <3!
October 23, 2009 at 5:04 pm #787770Nirvanacat13 wrote:And lookie lookies what I found….
I’m totally impressed. I was able to find that picture, and others that were obviously by the same artist, on various anonymous collections of images, but I wasn’t able to find anything at all helpful.
Ah, image theft without acknowledgment. The bane of the artist. It’s like listening to the radio and hearing a great song but having no idea who recorded it because the DJ doesn’t give a damn and presumably assumes you don’t either.
October 23, 2009 at 6:56 pm #787771The Castle [Dave wrote:“]
Nirvanacat13 wrote:And lookie lookies what I found….
I’m totally impressed. I was able to find that picture, and others that were obviously by the same artist, on various anonymous collections of images, but I wasn’t able to find anything at all helpful.
Ah, image theft without acknowledgment. The bane of the artist. It’s like listening to the radio and hearing a great song but having no idea who recorded it because the DJ doesn’t give a damn and presumably assumes you don’t either.
I can find most anything on the web….except this “small island in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico” that my accounting teacher claims that he’s from that doesn’t (@#)&%)@# exist……..I’ve looked at satalite photo after satalite photo and there is NOTHING THERE….and he just laughs at me and tells me I’m not looking hard enough….I’ma kick him in the jimmy 👿 😡
Anyway….can someone make this migraine stop please? I really need to be able to go to class and do homework….and stuff 🙄 🙄 🙄
October 24, 2009 at 9:55 pm #787772Nirvanacat13 wrote:The Castle [Dave wrote:“]
Nirvanacat13 wrote:And lookie lookies what I found….
I’m totally impressed. I was able to find that picture, and others that were obviously by the same artist, on various anonymous collections of images, but I wasn’t able to find anything at all helpful.
Ah, image theft without acknowledgment. The bane of the artist. It’s like listening to the radio and hearing a great song but having no idea who recorded it because the DJ doesn’t give a damn and presumably assumes you don’t either.
I can find most anything on the web….except this “small island in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico” that my accounting teacher claims that he’s from that doesn’t (@#)&%)@# exist……..I’ve looked at satalite photo after satalite photo and there is NOTHING THERE….and he just laughs at me and tells me I’m not looking hard enough….I’ma kick him in the jimmy 👿 😡
Anyway….can someone make this migraine stop please? I really need to be able to go to class and do homework….and stuff 🙄 🙄 🙄
what island is he saying he is from?
October 24, 2009 at 11:05 pm #787773siberakh1 wrote:what island is he saying he is from?
He’s not, that’s why I’m pissed. He said if we found it and asked him about it he’d say “yes that’s it” or “nope not it” He’s being really stupid about it and that’s what irks me the most…..>.< 😡
October 26, 2009 at 4:21 pm #787774Nirvanacat13 wrote:He said if we found it and asked him about it he’d say “yes that’s it” or “nope not it”
Aren’t the actual small islands around there uninhabited? As in, if you are pregnant and about to give birth you are going to be either on the mainland or a large island, or in a boat headed to the mainland or a large island? My guesses would be Padre Island or Cuba. Or a ferry that he’s calling an “island” just to be clever.
October 26, 2009 at 6:15 pm #787775The Castle [Dave wrote:“]
Nirvanacat13 wrote:He said if we found it and asked him about it he’d say “yes that’s it” or “nope not it”
Aren’t the actual small islands around there uninhabited? As in, if you are pregnant and about to give birth you are going to be either on the mainland or a large island, or in a boat headed to the mainland or a large island? My guesses would be Padre Island or Cuba. Or a ferry that he’s calling an “island” just to be clever.
I’m starting to think it’s a ship or barge or something….He said it’s “IN THE MIDDLE” of the gulf, not on any of the outlaying islands just outside the gulf propper. Maybe an oil rig or something….Hmmm…..
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