
Do you have any tips…

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    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    They don’t cost much to make at all. Just my time to pour and clean the greenware. Most of them are simple. The Ambush Dragon is a little bit of work because it’s in 4 pieces.

    It’s just FREEZING over at the studio right now because we shut it down for the winter so it would take a few weeks before I could find the time to do it. I can pack up all 3 of the bisque ones if you want and ship them out to you. Then I’ll let you know what it cost to ship ’em and you can pay me after the fact. They are very light, but very fragile so I have to put them in big boxes, but since they are so light it shouldn’t be more then about 20 bucks to send them all together.
    Sweet, something else to practice painting on. Let me know.


      Yea, I’ll send you a PM about it.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


      Thanks for sharing DragonessJ LMAO 😛 j/k! 😉


        I used this thread to make Lokies Ki rin! 😀 I was blending and thinking, “What would Drag0n do??” 😛


        Im confused. 😆


          dragonessjade wrote:

          Im confused. 😆

          Im sorry. I pulled this thread back on topic and gave no warning. Shame on me!


            skigod377 wrote:

            I used this thread to make Lokies Ki rin! 😀 I was blending and thinking, “What would Drag0n do??” 😛

            LOL! I’m glad I coul dbe of help *blush*

            Hey, DragonsCavern, I do technically have 2 of the 3 headed dragon incense lamps. He’s a little over 6 inches tall and probably about 7 with the base. You can have him if you want. I’d only charge for the shipping.

            Got a busted Windstone?
            *OPEN for repairs*

            *SEEKING GRAILS*
            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
            Siphlophis Male Dragon
            Calypso Hatching Empress
            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
            Tattoo Mother Kirin
            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            Well ski thanks for clarifying one thing. DC will have to do the rest. hehe

            And Drag0n, do you have the 1890 Dragon head smoker or the 2327 Firekeeper dragon head (yes I asked before reading what you had)?


              dragonessjade wrote:

              And Drag0n, do you have the 1890 Dragon head smoker or the 2327 Firekeeper dragon head (yes I asked before reading what you had)?

              I do have 1890 which is the Dragon Head. I just don’t have any poured right now. For some reason we never got the fire keeper though. I managed to get a bisque one once on ebay, but it broke in shipping and I never tried again.

              If I can track a greenware one down I’ll clean it for you and fire it. I haven’t checked the clay stock. Maybe when the snow storm we are supposed to get passes I can pour one sometime next week if you want one.

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              Sweet. That would be awesome.


                Okay, my step dad is going to give me a hand pouring in a few weeks. He just had some carpel tunnel surgery and I need help dumping the molds since some of them weigh like 80 pounds. In the mean time I’m goig to start mixing the slip a little, day by day. It hasn’t been used in so long the water has risen to the top and it needs to be remixed. Tricky when you have about 500 gallons of it about 20 feet under your shoes, LOL!

                I’m going to mail the box with the ones I had out Monday. It’s a little heavier then I thought cause I packed in an extra thing. I’m hoping they make a safe trip. They’re double boxed but ceramics are REALLY fragile so I’ll slap some mad insurance on it just incase 😉

                Oh and DragonsCavern, I put an extra thing in your box too. It’s interchangeable with the 3 headed dragon base so you can switch it depending on your mood 8)

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                Okay, my step dad is going to give me a hand pouring in a few weeks. He just had some carpel tunnel surgery and I need help dumping the molds since some of them weigh like 80 pounds. In the mean time I’m goig to start mixing the slip a little, day by day. It hasn’t been used in so long the water has risen to the top and it needs to be remixed. Tricky when you have about 500 gallons of it about 20 feet under your shoes, LOL!

                I’m going to mail the box with the ones I had out Monday. It’s a little heavier then I thought cause I packed in an extra thing. I’m hoping they make a safe trip. They’re double boxed but ceramics are REALLY fragile so I’ll slap some mad insurance on it just incase 😉

                Oh and DragonsCavern, I put an extra thing in your box too. It’s interchangeable with the 3 headed dragon base so you can switch it depending on your mood 8)

                SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! YOU ROCK DragOn! 😉


                  Oh, if you guys need any info on painting them let me know. It’s completely different then a Windstone. They are alot easier and faster. Drybrushing works killer on them. Paint the whole thing Black first and then use a medium stiffness brush to drubrush the piece. Take excess paint off by swirling in on some paper and lightly drag your brush opposite the grain to get an antique effect. The colors may take a while to build up, but after a coat the second will come out alot more vibrant.

                  This one was base coated black and then drybrushed various colors, but the wingwebs were bese coated red then drubrushed with green. He has 24 kt fire on gold which you won’t be able to do without a ciln, but paint on gold works just as well. The holes in the sides are air holes which you need to keep the incense cone from burning out. This is the biggest dragon I have, smoke comes out of the mouth. I’m going to try and pour some if I can manage it. He is a combination of 5 molds that get connected while it dries. (body/head/crown/and wings) To put it frank, he’s a real bitch to pour, but fun none the less =) He’s about a foot tall, maybe more.

                  Oh and a word of warning. These are by no means NEARLY as nice as a Windstone. It’s not even in the realm of a possibility! So don’t be too dissappointed when you see them.

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                  WOW! I LOVE IT! Then again I LOVE ANY Dragons LMAO! 😆 I REALLY LOVE the rocks, how did you do those????? 😉


                    Just drybrushing, it’s really easy, but takes practice. I was thinking of shooting a video on youtube about it, since alot of people on the forum have trouble with drybrushung.

                    Got a busted Windstone?
                    *OPEN for repairs*

                    *SEEKING GRAILS*
                    Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                    Siphlophis Male Dragon
                    Calypso Hatching Empress
                    Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                    Tattoo Mother Kirin
                    Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                    Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                    Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                    Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                    Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                    Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

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