Do You Have a Fondest Memory?

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    I have a best and worst in one day…

    Firstly, I had just started going out with my now fiancee the night before… he asked me out (on msn, such nerds – well, he *was* at work) and I said yes. I had gotten out of a bad relationship a week earlier.

    Anyway, we were going to Edmonton with some friends for the weekend, it was, what – March something, the 18th I think that year, and that day Edmonton had it’s first HUGE snowfall that year. People were clearing the roads and that made it like ice – the snow was better! Colin (my fiancee) mentioned that if we got in an accident that he would probably die (he wasn’t driving, a friend of ours was and he was in the back middle seat with a loose seatbelt). He turned out to be amazingly prophetic, because less then 15 mins later, the driver lost control and hit the snowbank at 120km/hr. We flipped in the air 3 times (from the tracks left in the snow, we got complete air all three times) and finally came to rest, the car facing up.

    I honestly thought Coin was dead! I mean, he had just said that if this exact thing happed he would probably die. The accident and that was the worst part.

    The best part – hearing him yell from the backseat “Oh, my God, is everyone okay?????” Of course, everyone was, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved as when I heard him say that. Later that night he told me that he had thought I had died, since I didn’t say anything initially, and, because of my shock at what had just happened I wasn’t moving, and that he realized how much he loved me.

    The driver (who is now my roomie) has never forgiven himself I think – the only loss was the car and some Tim Hortons coffee, so it wasn’t that bad.


      Geez that is scary. 😯


        😯 Thank goodness he is only an amateur prophet. πŸ˜† Really, I’m glad all of you walked away from that!


        It was kinda scary at the time (by kinda meaning really) but no huge losses other then an ’89 tempo (go tanks, if we were in a sunfire it would probably have been worse).

        Colin growls at tempo’s now. I think he misses his tank…. πŸ™‚ And perhaps is a little bit upset over the spilled coffee. He really likes his timmies.

        It’s been a long time now, like I said a couple of years, but there’s no first date like getting into an accident huh?


          Wow 😯 At least you’ll have a cool story to tell the kids… πŸ˜‰


            😯 😯 😯 Yoikes! 😯 😯 😯 You were being looked after, for sure, that you all walked away from that. What a story!



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