ditzy blonde…

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      Yup, that’d be me… I’m currently in Utah, again (I know, I know *sigh*) The doc wants to see if I could adapt to the thought of having a nerve stimulator implant done and some testing to see if it’d even work. In the mean time, they’ve got me on some pretty high dosages of narcotics, which I hate taking because that seems to trigger my PTSD and expressive aphasia. So if I put somethng unreadable or not sounding like me on the forums, please ignore it if possible and let me know so I can try to fix it. I hope to high heaven that I won’t offend anyone and make a complete jack ass out of myself. Thanks for your kindness and friendship from all of you. Hopefully I’ll be back in Idaho in a few weeks… lurvs ya!




        Oooooh PTSD is miserable 🙁 I’m sending all my hugs and warm thoughts your way! I hope everything works out and your off the pain narcotics in no time flat.


          *hugs* just get well soon, your boyohs need you! We do too.


            :tired: thankies guys :tired:




              🙁 Im sorry you’re going through such a tough time, TDM. You and your family will be in my thoughts.


                We do a lot of the nerve stimulator trials at my job. The people that they work for love them, and swear by them! But to be fair, they do not work for everyone, and they take a lot of comittment.

                Keeper of the Fledgings


                  I don’t know what scares me most; the thought of something being implanted into my spinal column or being excited that something will finally help turn the pain down and then find out that it won’t work for me…




                    I’ll be praying it all works out and you can move towards recovery from pain


                    I’ll be praying it all works out and you can move towards recovery from pain

                    Seconded. You’ve been living with this for far too long!




                        Good luck I hope it works for you

                        Danzig Moon (Karen)

                          Oh gosh, I had the same thing in my back for about 2 year or a bit more. It worked great for awhile but then, even with being able to adjust it to different settings, I ended having it taken out because it seemed to be doing more damage that helping. I too was on massive amounts of pain med’s. I ended up with a very good Dr. and am off of every thing now YAY!!
                          I hope that it works for you. They swear by them and it all sounds good on paper. Good Luck!!!

                          *** Always looking for Brindles..*** AWD Pieces **** Lavender Coiled Mother with Globe**** if you have one you would like to sell or trade please contact me ?


                            Oh my 🙁 I hope everything works out well for you, so you can go home to your family!


                              thankies guys! My worries are first, will it work? some say yes, others haven’t benefitted. Secondly, cost. If the insurance won’t kick in some help, we’re looking at about $60,000.00 just for the stimulator, that doesn’t include surgery, recovery, etc. I just keep thinking that would put a huge dent in our motgage… But, being able to be in less pain? I would do anything to have just one minute where my stupid feet didn’t feel like they were on fire or standing on hot coals or barefoot in a red ant hill or walking on broken glass and all of it at the same time. I honestly loathe how I look, because of not beng able to walk… Any time my meds get changed I have to hospitalizes because it keeps me safe when I have completely strange reaction to it. It would be nice to be able to get out of bed in the morning and not have to crawl to the kitchen to bet breakfast for my family. I see my pain doc on the 18th of this month for an update on what the insurance is doing… Keep your fingers crossed! 🙂

                              twindragonsmum 🙂



                                I hope this works for you and I hope that insurance will cover most of it. It totally sucks when you’re in constant pain. Yes to just get up and get your family breakfast without being in pain would be just wonderful! We all take that for granted. I do hope some relief is in store for you soon–you have been suffering with this for too long. The best to you! 🙂

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