Displaying Windstone Dragons

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      I think by family, but not by color-I’ve got several of my Emeralds sitting next to me all together and although they look nicer by color for home display (in my opinion) I think at a store, they’d be better off with several colors next to each other. That way the eye lingers on each piece individually instead of grazing over the shelf saying “oh…gold dragons…pretty” the customers can see how well some of the different colors go together, and it paints a different picture in the mind’s eye.

      For example, I’d recommend sitting the gold dragons next to the Red Fire dragons, or the gold next to the black gold (in which case then) put the Em Pea next to the red fire (contrasting colors)

      I’m not sure if that makes sense or not…


        I marked “Other” for two reasons:

        1. I have a complete family plus a few odd-colored dragons, so while I have *most* of my White family on display together, one or two aren’t — my White OW, for instance, is displayed with my other two OWs. And since I have a few “miscellaneous” pieces, like my Male Ki-Rin and my Gothic Unicorn (one I don’t have the family for, the other doesn’t have a family at all), they sometimes end up displayed together.

        2. I am a college student, so 95% of my dragons are in a different state. 🙂 My White Young Dragon has taken a vacation from the main family to come keep my books company.

        Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          This probably wont help but I like to see them arranged both with Colour grouping and family grouping. Ie: My shelves I have my BG Daddy(right hand when facing) and Marc’s Pea Emp(Left hand when Facing) on the top with the Logo stone between. Next shelf has the Curls, cats, and frog, 5 curls in front(can’t remember order off hand, other than BG is on the Far Left hand when facing), 2 cat’s are flanking the frog & all 3 are peeking out from between & behind the Curls(Then again the cats moved there when we got Marc’s Ruby Lap, and the frog joined ’em cause they really didn’t fit into the schemes of the other shelves). Next shelf down has all the family “Children” hatcher’s, Fledges and Young’s(Ordered properly it would be BG, Rainbow, Em-Pea, Ruby, and Peacock, once we get Fire’s they’ll go between Khym’s Em-Pea, and Marc’s Ruby, however because we don’t have “Complete” children sets they form “blended” families) We have the hatcher’s in front, and the young and Fledges paired up watching over the little babes. Then on the bottom shelf we mave Momma(BG) and the Lap (Ruby)

          The order for colour arrangement is supposed to be (In an ideal world when we have all the colours we are trying for for ourselves) My production colour(BG), My retired colour(Rainbow) Khym’s Production(Em-Pea) Khym’s retired(We think White 😉 If we ever can!!!) Marc’s Production (Which is now Fire) Marc’s Retired(which now includes both Ruby and Peacock, in that order since Ruby is the last of the 2 in production)

          The different lines of categorizing are:
          1) Most current production colour to the oldest retired colour.
          2) We have them seperated out into My Colour, Khym’s colour and then Marc’s colour, following an old fashioned thing of female being on the left side of the male, and children in between.For a store this one can be left out.
          3) Sculpts are mostly organized by type(Ie:Family, Children, big dudes, Hatcheing Royalty would be their own category, just like the Curls), and Display side(ie:fledges on the left hand facing and the Youngs on the right)
          (a)Origionally Mom & Dad(Both BG) were together, on 1 shelf and Cats on another,
          (b)we then added the Emp, so he and the cats sat together because he was too big to fit anywhere but the top. Mom and dad still together(both BG)
          (c)Then we got the Lap(ruby), so Dad(BG) moved up with Emp(Pea) because the Emp’s(pea) ass is too big to accommodate the Lap(ruby) on the shelf, and the Lap(Ruby) moved in with Mom(BG), and the cats moved in with the Curls.
          (d) the only shelf that hasn’t had anyone moving to different shelves is the “Children’s” shelf, I mean come on you gotta keep the kids together!! However just because you have to keep the kids together doesn’t mean you have to make the little one without any siblings have to sit off by the others who don’t.We have 2 fledges and 2 young, so that throws the colour order out, the order on the “Children’s” shelf is BG,(I have both Fledge and Young)Em-Pea, Pea, Ruby (We have a Ruby Fledge) and then Rainbow(Have a young Rainbow) The BG elders look after the BG and Em-pea Hatchers, The Ruby fledge and Rainbow Young look after the Ruby Hatchers, and apparently the Pea hatcher is either so well or so badly behaved all the elders keep an eye on him!!

          Wish I could get the pics up for you but long and short is the family’s more or less stay in colour categories but on different shelves for the different “Ages” or sculpt types, in specified patterns of colour ordered from most recent to oldest, which are modified by inclusion or lack of specific sculpts in each sculpt set, to give the appearence of full sculpt sets even in cases where there is a sculpt type missing.

          Ummm ok so visual word diagram of current shelf arrangement

          ~Black-Gold Dad~ ~Peacock Emperor~

          ~Tiger~ ~Frog Prince~ ~Puffin~
          ~BG Curl~ ~White Curl~ ~Em-Pea Curl~ ~Gold Curl~ ~Russet Curl~

          ~BG Fledge~ ~BG Young~~Baby Unicorn~ ~Ruby Fledge~ ~Rainbow Young~
          ~BG Hatch~ ~Pea Hatch~ ~Em-Pea Hatch~ ~Ruby Hatch~ ~Rainbow Hatch~

          ~BG Mom~ ~Ruby Lap~

          Edited to add curl colours and I can’t believe I almost forgot my Baby Uni 😯 😯 😯


          I display Old Warriors, Spectrals, Curls, Fledgies, Hatchers, Royal Hatchers, Wizards in groups together.

          Hoofers, Griffins, Oriental Dragons, Castles, Dinosaurs, (Mother, Father, Laps, Scratchers, Young) go in family groups. My Gargoyles and candlelamps are scattered about.


            Mine is a hodge podge display….and I rearrange it often….with no rhyme or reason to the displays… 😆

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