Disneys Dragon Kind

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    i found this the other day and thought it was really cool. I was looking up the McFarlen Dragons and found these Disney Dragons. They have been updated no longer are they cute and cuddly ( not that Malifacent was ever cute but Elliot and Mushu were) thier are only 1000 of each made and the price resembles that , over 300 bucks each . They arene ttiny they are all over 13 inches high and Malifacents wing span is 18 inches

    Malifacent from Sleeping Beauty

    Mushu from Mulan

    Elliot from Petes Dragon




    Oooh…I like the redone Mushu…too bad the price range is too far out there. I’d only pay that much for a Windstone.



      Oooo Mushu looks really awesome…


        Where can you buy them?


          I saw these at my local comic book shop. They are awesome in person. I really wish I could have afforded Mushu


            How much are they


              Necron99 wrote:

              thier are only 1000 of each made and the price resembles that , over 300 bucks each .


              Dragon Master wrote:

              Where can you buy them?

              the link is under the paragraph before the pics i posted … Im kinda partial to Malifacent myself she has always been my favorite Disney Villian

              here here is the link again for a shop that carries them 🙂


                VERY KEWL!!
                Sorry I’m at work and did not see the link. I like all 3


                  DM, I didn’t check out the link, but I’m near enough to if wanted go to the Downtown Disney shopping area if the sales on these are restricted.
                  They are rather neat- I always adored the Maleficent dragon when I was little (I even have a stuffy of her 😳 ). I don’t have that much to blow now though, and if I did, I’d be checking the Windstone stuff or buying myself some PYOs to play with.
                  For those who view their collectibles as investments, though, these probably have great potential as crossovers with the Disney fans.


                    Wow!! Mushu is really cool!!! 😀


                      Necron99 wrote:

                      Malifacent myself she has always been my favorite Disney Villian

                      Maleficent is a Villain??? No she can’t be!!

                      She must just be Misunderstood!!!

                      I’ve always loved Elliot But that one is creepy looking. It reminds me of the old guy from “Family Guy” the one with the hard core crush on Chris.


                        You need to see Enchanted the Dragon is GREAT


                        Lupin wrote:

                        Necron99 wrote:

                        Malifacent myself she has always been my favorite Disney Villian

                        I’ve always loved Elliot But that one is creepy looking. It reminds me of the old guy from “Family Guy” the one with the hard core crush on Chris.

                        HEHE Herbert The Pervert

                        “hmm you like ice pops i got a whole freezer full of em just go down to my basement and get one for your self “

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