Different greens?

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  • This topic has 8 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Bob.
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    I have one question…I got a Green Fledgie and he matches my male, young and hatching, but I also have a female who for some reason is a much yellowier green on the lighter green than that of the others…Is it because she is older? I noticed that the Emporer’s on Ebay were different too. One matches my 3 and one matches my mother. Was it just a difference in the painter? Or did you not like the more yellow green? I really wish they were all the same. But I am glad to have them all (Except the Emporer…I wish I could afford him right now since it is the only full family I want in one color. 😥 )! 😀


    That’s probably the same as every other coloration difference, from peacock to gold. Each piece is hand-painted; they can vary to high degrees.


    It also depends on when they were painted.


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      I have one question…I got a Green Fledgie and he matches my male, young and hatching, but I also have a female who for some reason is a much yellowier green on the lighter green than that of the others…Is it because she is older? I noticed that the Emporer’s on Ebay were different too. One matches my 3 and one matches my mother. Was it just a difference in the painter? Or did you not like the more yellow green? I really wish they were all the same. But I am glad to have them all (Except the Emporer…I wish I could afford him right now since it is the only full family I want in one color. 😥 )! 😀

      The green color varies alot. We made that “Old Green” color for years and it “drifted” around. There were three basic types of the “Old greens”, because of the three different paint brands we used: The oldest dragons were the darkest green. The lighter green color on the dragons then became more yellowish for awhile when we switched paint brands the first time.(This is probably when the female you have was made,so she is older than the others you have.) When we finally switched to “Golden” brand paint, we had the colors custom mixed for us, so after that point the color stayed consistent; a nice medium green. These most recent ones will match the fledglings (it’s the same paint). You can probably match the colors by looking carefully at the greens on Ebay, and pouncing on ones that appear to match your others. Sell the ones that don’t match!


        Ooo, I think that means I have the oldest version, ’cause my green male is really dark, and hasn’t got a felt pad.

        I feel special.


          My Greens seem very dark to me also but I do have the felt pads on the bottom. I think someone here also told they where an older bunch anyway, but I have wondered about this also. I mean about the color sequence


          ::grin:: I just explain the color variations in my collection as that, like living things, there are variants in color tone. I used to work in a kennel of Irish Setters, and trust me, they’re not all the same red. 😉

          The variants make them more ‘real’ in a way, at least to me. 🙂


            yes this world is a very colorful place

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