Die aphids!

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    twindragonsmum wrote:

    DragonMistress wrote:

    Necron beat me to it, I was gonna suggest ladybugs, I buy them by the pound! The aphids thought to destroy my roses, and I rained down lady bug carnage on their squishy green bodies!!!

    Oh, and a quick aside…there was a stag beetle the size of a cadillac in my bathroom sink yesterday…I screamed like a horror movie actress, and did the “kill the bug” jig untill my hubby came and scooped it up and tossed it out of the second story window!!! I usually like beetle, but not when they scare the daylights out of me!

    Where do you get lady bugs by the pound? *kill the bug jig…* hahahahahahahaha 😆 😆 😆

    I usually get them from this guy on ebay
    it’s about a pund of ladybugs, and man are they fun to spread around in the garden, you stick your hand in the burlap bag and they crawl all over you!!


      Thankies! *wanders over to have a look…*

      twindragonsmum 😀



        Yep, I just picked up some ladybugs at Home Depot’s garden center today. I had used the water/soapwater method* but that didn’t get rid of all of them, so it’s time to up the ante. I almost bought preying mantises instead, as I LOVE them, but they’re not really as effective against aphids as ladybugs are, so I didn’t.

        *Get squirt bottle full of water. Set to the narrow stream setting, and use that to knock aphids off. Most won’t be able to find the plant again and will die. Then the next day the ones that do, put just a tiny bit of dish soap in the water, and spray them down with it. That will eventually kill them. But it seems some survived it. And you can’t use the soap too often, or it may hurt the plants.

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