
Did you change the gold color?

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      I just had to ask if you changed the gold colors? My male seems to have a redder shade than the OW I just got. Just wanted to know if it was different painting styles or if you changed colors? I like the brown on the Old Warrior. I think it blends better.



        Those are beautiful, Ski!

        Speaking of the gold color, is the gold male dragon available in the Windstone online store different than the production gold male found in mall stores?


          Tintaglia wrote:

          Those are beautiful, Ski!

          Speaking of the gold color, is the gold male dragon available in the Windstone online store different than the production gold male found in mall stores?Nope. They are exactly the same 😉


          I will let you know when colour my Gold OW is like when he lands Ski


          Those shades of gold really look good. I was kind of put off by the color from the picture of the gold male dragon in the Astral Castle. It seems too yellowish for my taste. It’s so hard to judge by photos.


          skigod377 wrote:

          I just had to ask if you changed the gold colors? My male seems to have a redder shade than the OW I just got. Just wanted to know if it was different painting styles or if you changed colors? I like the brown on the Old Warrior. I think it blends better.

          I like the OW color better too. Do you know if all of the recent gold dragons even in other styles have the OW type of gold color?


            No, I sure dont. I think they changed the colors and all the more recent ones are the color of the old warrior, but I am not sure. I hope Miss Melody can tell us, though. 🙂


            Me too. Like Tintaglia, I didn’t like the shade of gold shown in the Astral Castle website, and my local store hasn’t gotten any gold dragons in yet, so I’ve been holding off on getting any gold dragons until my local store gets some and I can see them in person.

            It would be nice to know for sure that I was getting the OW type gold if I ordered online.


            I’ll cast another vote in favor of the brown shading on the OW. 🙂 It gives him a lot of depth and character and looks so much nicer than a monochromatic gold would. The pale yellow look of the OW on Astral Castle made me nervous, but when I opened my OW’s box it was love at first sight. 😆 I really like the look of the latest golds. I’m trying to save up for a sitting Spectral in gold–that brown shading down his neck just makes his colors pop!

            I wouldn’t mind seeing a coppery gold paint job . . . but that’d probably be too similar to the existing gold, and cause confusion. Maybe the Red Gold design will satisfy that itch. 😛


              the one that is on astral castle is the original shade of gold (they are just using an old pic)..remember when the golds first came out production they were just gold and a little brown shading? i think it was the mom, male, young and hatching released in it, then melody painted the emperor next, a little darker with the brown and with the purple interference. the darker with purple looked so good it stuck and painted all the rest were painted that way! kinda like how the em.peas started out with the intense violet, then they changed it to the blue violet. post release final tweaks!
              however that doesn’t explain the color variance with your male and ow, ski. we’ll have to wait n find out! hope that helps though in regards to the astral castle gold male, etc. 🙂


                I reallly am not fond of the gold color……….but the red on that male is soooooo pretty! oooooo it makes me want a male like that!


                Yeah, I agree…I like the male better.


                  I like the ow better, but then again he looks much the same as my ow whom i loooove! 😛 I like the brown…it blends beautifully.


                    I like the brown too. That OW is so pretty!

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