
Did anyone get EXTRAS this time around?

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Did anyone get EXTRAS this time around?

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    Ive never missed 2 batches of curls. I was in treatment all day yesterday and should have known thats when theyd reappear even though I was told there wouldnt be anymore till after the factory was settled.

    Did anyone happen to get any extras this time around? I appreciate those that tried to contact me while they were still in store, but again, I was in treatment. Would have much rather have been here to grab a couple for me and you guys.

    Im really frustrated (for more than just this) and my weekend is now shot knowing I missed these curls again. Dramatic- whatever but Im just not telling you guys everything in life. I look forward to the Windstones I want coming out cause they truly do cheer me up. Im just infuriated that I missed these curls yet again.

    Please- did ANYONE land ANY extras? Please.


      I’m so sorry you missed out again! I didn’t get any, so I can’t help, but I’m here to be sympathetic. *hugs*

      I hope you get your curlies!


      I’m so sorry. I knew I should have bought them this morning when I saw them. 🙁


      Way I see it is, if you know someone is into say, the Curls like I am and you know they want every single color that comes out, if you can swing it, grab an extra (or extra set- whatever you can afford). Because even if that person manages to get their own Curl, Im sure others here will want the extra(s) you got OR you could get even more money on eBay since they seem to go for more there when ppl dont want to wait.

      I force myself to wait cause I dont have that extra money for ebay but it does suck terribly to wait and lose.

      Thanks for your support tho, guys. Im here to lean on to when you get frustrated by anything too.


      That only works if you actually have money. I couldn’t afford them this morning, and I still can’t. But, I would have found a way if I knew for sure you didn’t already have them. I don’t even look in the store anymore. I just happened to run accross a thread that mentioned that they were in the store.


      I think Ive worked this out thanks to a wonderful and very giving friend here! Thank you darlin’!

      But if any of you that still missed out on the curls or happen to have extras, please feel free to use this thread as you need.


        I missed them again also and would like one of each if anyone has extras. Please Please Please I have every color but the last two. I’ll admit I haven’t been looking because I didn’t expect any more until after the move to Oregon. cry


          I’m sorry I wasn’t here to get them for you. I will try if I hear of more, but I’m not often home now.

          *offers shoulder* It is frustrating. I’m waiting so for the old green OW myself, but my family’s financial crisis is such now (let’s say I’m glad I got the 2nd job, because I’m the only one working out of 3 adults) I’m not sure I can get him even if I’m here at the right time. Makes me want to cry, so I hope he waits a long time to come out and things are better by then.


            Sorry I hope you get yours soon


            Pip, nice to see you back for even just a bit. I always keep you in mind whenever Old Green is mentioned. If ever I could afford any of the new old greens coming out, I would grab one but I think the future ones will be big guys I cant swing. If by some miracle I can though, youve always been first friend on my list for that color.


              I still need a Blue one. Anyone?

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