Dia's Dragon PYO

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Dia's Dragon PYO

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    I have been doing PYO’s, but most have been similars to the ones I’ve already done, save for this one, with it’sblack body and purple color scheme. I have seen bunches of others do these colors so I hope I’m notclose to someone else’s scheme. I think I’m the last to try black and purples. Anyway, this one has violet eyes…they are pretty in person. I am still debating if I should antique the scales in silver on this.

    I really HATE placing copyright symbols and marks onto an image, but I always state it in the description and usually remove my PYOs from other websites within a week (currently this is the only image I have in any on-line gallery since I removed them all save for my Windstone one), so I don’t know if this is accepted or allowed. I always seem to make someone upset whenever I post to the forum because I’m breaking some rule or sugggestion, which is another reason why I’ve kept away so long.

    However, my posting my finished PYOs have made other people want to buy Windstones, and realize Windstone even exsisted in the first place, so I hope that overshadows that I haven’t put the copyright mark directly onto the images.


      Beautiful!! I like the stripe of purple down the back. The eyes are lovely, too! Those are not my favorite colors, but the painting is excellent. 😀


        Very pretty!


        I love the colors and the dragons face. 😀


        I especially like the tail! 😀


          Lovely, as usual….


            When uploading them to another site like an art gallery, it really is best to put a copyright notice on the image itself. 🙂 That way there are no confusion of copyrights, and it is on there to stay if anyone click-saves the image.

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


            Very pretty, Water! It’s nice to see you’re still doing PYOs.

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