Desperate for PYO Unicorns!

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        Ok… I’m going to be really bad and steal Bluepony’s idea here… (Yell at me if I’m overstepping bounds here Jessica! :lol:)

        but I’m DESPERATE for mroe PYO Unicorns… I have way too many ideas for them… and absolutely NO fundage for more than the one I ordered yesterday ATM…

        So… like her… I would like to make you all this offer…

        I will GLADLY paint a Unicorn PYO for you… in exchange for a blank PYO Unicorn.

        Now what I’m thinking… I will trade ONE painted PYO Unicorn for ONE Black PYO Unicorn… if you color choice is solid… with minimal white markings.

        More complicated colors… paints… appaloosas… or anything wild and requiring a lot of detail… I’d ask for TWO Blank PYO Unicorns…

        For those of you who aren’t familiar with my Custom model horses… here’s the link to my webshots:

        I work in pastels… and I can do just about any equine color under the sun! If you see anything in my webshots that you would like on a PYO Unicorn… LMK! I can do it! 😀 I can also spice them up with some color, metallics, etc! 😀

        Please contact me with your color ideas… and we can discuss other details further. 😀

        I think at this time… because I’m crunched between now and NAN (North American Nationals… the big Model horse show… I’m actually getting to go and compete!!! YAY!) at the end of this month… I’ll have to say that your PYOs should be completed by the end of July…. ::hopes!::

        Also, at this time I think I only feel comfortable taking on 2… with the possibility of more when I get back from NAN. 😀

        I’m just so uber excited about this little mare… I REALLY want to paint a ton of them… I’m hoping that it will encourage me to paint other things I need to work on… 😆

        If there are a lot of you who are really wanting me to paint a Unicorn for you… I’ll create a list… take the two ideas randomly off of the list… and paint them first. But I’ll keep that list and attempt to get through them in a timely manner. 😆

        If you are willing to wait as long as it may take me to get to your Unicorn (within reason of course!) Please LMK that too! ^.^

        LMK what you guys think! 😀


          PM’d you.


          If the offer is still good, and if I haven’t done anything with my unicorn in a bit, then I’ll PM you. It is a very tempting offer.


          I really want something done in Pastels. Let me know if you can add me to the list. I can wait.


            I would love to get in on this, but I really need to save money and not be buying tons of PYOs! Maybe if you’re still wanting more later on though.

            Good luck with it in any case. Your paint jobs are awesome.


            Ouch. From 10 to 6 in 5 min.
            I’d like to copyright my idea 😀

            Actually, I’m totally jealious you get to go to NAN! I’m hoping to go next year. Best of luck to ya!


            bluepony, weren’t you overwhelmed there for a moment with all the interest? 😀


              I would like to get in on this, too, if you are still taking applicants 🙂


              gryphondreamer wrote:

              bluepony, weren’t you overwhelmed there for a moment with all the interest? 😀

              I had 10 uni’s coming, that was cool. Now it’s down to three. Oh well, whatcha gonna do 🙄

              Never overwhelmed. Shocked. 😀


                skigod377 wrote:

                I would like to get in on this, too, if you are still taking applicants 🙂

                Yup! Only siberakh has PMed me… 😀 So far it looks like…

                Siberakh – After NAN
                SPark – Later, after NAN

                So go ahead and PM me your ideas guys… so far I can take Romeo, Dragon and Ski pretty easily… and then SPark and Siberakh can wait till after I get back from NAN. 😀

                LMK guys… and I can get a couple rolling. 😀

                So excited! She’s going to be so much fun to paint!!!


                  Have any openings left? I think I’d love an uni. 🙂

                  While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!



                    The only ones I know are sending me Unis for sure are Skigod, Romeodanny, and Siberakh (though she’s sending it after I go to NAN at the end of the month)….

                    So if you can send them soon… I could try to fit you in before NAN. 😉 Just PM me with ideas and such… and we can figure it out! 😉

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