
Desired HYBRID: may have been discussed?

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      I’ve heard Alicorn as well. I also think it sounds better than “pegacorn”.
      I would have to buy one of these if they became a production! Specially in other colors besides white!


      I wouldnt mind what they were called, just that they were the combo of the two creatures. I never knew one existed in mythology however, during many a Halloween, my various horses would endure my dressing them up as winged unciorns and riding them throughout my campus and such (they were zebras a few yrs too; and leopards and tigers [oh my]… with animal safe “paint”… Im an animal lover obviously).

      As for color choices, I think if anyone has read my posts here at all, theyd know Id opt for a black version however, if someone was looking for something different, Id love to see something done with purples; purples & greens; purples and yellows, or all three. Either way, I quite literally hope I live to see this creature come to Windstone fruition. Id pounce on that family the second they dropped.

      And thank you Melody for taking time out to address my query. Im amazed you have time to answer any question in the forums being as Windstoned as you must always be!


        I have heard Unipeg, too. I dont remember it being asked before, either. Good question.


          I’ve heard all the terms, but prefer Alicorn!

          Definately have to get one if they came out!


            littleironhorse wrote:

            I’ve also heard them called alicorns and I would definitely buy one πŸ˜€

            That’s the word I couldn’t think of…..Yes, they have a phylum all to themselves :mrgreen: Kind of like the hypocampus….


              That one looks great in black!


                OMG, Griffiness! That one is beautiful! Love love love love love.


                siberakh1 wrote:

                I’ve usually seen winged unicorns

                that is what i thougth they were called. never knew about these other weird names!


                I understood “alicorn” was the name for the unicorn’s horn, but I’ve heard winged unis called that as well as pegacorns.

                We should just come up with a name for them, like pennacorns… pennatus: winged, with feathers, cornu: horn. Just an idea =)


                Um yeah, I thought the same thing as Quill- I had heard the horn of a unicorn being referred to as an “alicorn” and used that in my stories. D:

                But YES they are very very popular. At least the sheer number of alicorn/unisis/whatever glass figures my mother has been given should indicate so. I don’t think many people know their name, or that they really care, I just know most would probably see a winged unicorn and buy it up for their fantasy collection. Or for their realtive’s fantasy collection. P:


                I love the big wings on pegasui the best πŸ˜€


                Yup, I’m with Quill and rockerbot, the alicorn was the horn of the unicorn, dating back to medieval times.
                I think the usage of alicorn for the animal has only been common since fantasy writers like Anthony and Lackey started using it that way.

                I’ve never seen unisus, it’s either a pegacorn or a unipeg. Unipeg just sounds off to me, I prefer pegacorn.


                  hardwired wrote:

                  Alicorns is the term I have always heard applied to them as well.

                  Thirded. This is the term I prefer for them, as opposed to Pegacorns. I think they get lumped in with the unicorns, and often, people who know nothing about fantastical creatures often depict a pegasus with a horn or a unicorn with wings and say its one or the other. πŸ™„


                    WolfenMachine wrote:

                    hardwired wrote:

                    Alicorns is the term I have always heard applied to them as well.

                    Thirded. This is the term I prefer for them, as opposed to Pegacorns. I think they get lumped in with the unicorns, and often, people who know nothing about fantastical creatures often depict a pegasus with a horn or a unicorn with wings and say its one or the other. πŸ™„

                    I’ve heard all the terms listed – Alicorn, Unisus/is, UniPeg, Pegacorn, winged unicorn. Have to say my favorite is Alicorn. So many people mislable things though that it just might be easier to call them winged unicorn, nice and simple.

                    I know I get frustrated when I’m doing a search for one and turn up the other. I wish folks would take some time to learn thier mythological creatures before they post them online.

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