Demon Cat!

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        We saw a new side of Greykin tonight. 😯


          Howling at the moon??? 😯 Beautiful kitty!

          twindragonsmum 😀



          😆 😆 Great pictures! I have those two dragon Beanie Babies! I actually have two of Scorch! I think he’s howling to Maleficent!


            Greykin is beautiful and such a great poser.

            I also have a dragon beanie baby along with Figment (the Disney Dragon) I got the beanie baby dragon because I was born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon. I also have 3 beanie baby chows (of course)


              Wow! Where did you get that huge Malificent plush?!

              That’s a very pretty cat!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Nice Kitty!!
                I wanted that HUGE Malificent Dragon from Disney but could not afford the REALLY large one and only got the one that is about 12″


                  I got Maleficent from my brother when he worked at the Disney store. It was half off plus he got his 30% employee discount. 😯 Right after I got it, I saw one go for $500 on ebay! I was tempted, but I wont sell mine.

                  I think that Greykin is trying to fit in with the dragons so they wont eat him! 😆

                  The beanies in the pictures are the bigger Beanie Buddies. Is that what you guys have? I also have the 20″ version of Maleficent (standing) and a 24″ version of her on all four. Plus a smaller one of each of those. I also have an 8′ plush dragon that came from Russia. He looks like a Chinese dragon, but he has wings. Must be a mutt. 😆 Here he is being pestered by some of the others. 🙂


                    Most of my stuffed animals are in the garage right now. I have SEVERAL of the Magic Buddies I bought when they first came out. I think I have like 18 extra in plastic tubs in the closet. I boutht them to sell later but I’m still not sure how to sell on e-bay and I do not think it’s been long enough to make any money off them yet anyway.

                    I also have the Scorch baby abd buddy AND a 3rd and 4th generation Magic baby

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