
Dear 'Resident Heartbreaker'

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  • #700254

    Snapdragon wrote:

    Leigha wrote:

    I agree! Thank you Mr. Heartbreaker! (where’s my hug?)

    Stay back, or I’ll hit you with my power bar 😆

    Power bar?

    Do you mean the edible one or the electronic one?

    I had a vision of an edible Power Bar being flung towards Leigha and her catching it with a return, ‘Thank you for the snack.’


    ~Hoofer aka Lurking Foal


      Do we get to choose our own subtitles, or is there a list in another post that we choose from? Are there definitions anywhere?

      Love the idea, but have been too busy to keep up the last couple of months… 🙁


      (Edit 12 May) I show up as Lurking–sweet!!! Very appropriate! 8)


        They’re tied to post counts.

        As to the power bar, look in the server move thread.


        Snapdragon wrote:

        See, now I’m confused, is the pan to threaten me TO hug or NOT to hug?

        Silly…I plan on hugging you while holding the frying pan! 😛


          Just in case huh?


          😆 😆 😆


          You can never be too careful. 😆






          *pokes Snap*



            *bites finger*




              They were right, your picture is pretty, but not when you’re crying!

              Didn’t your mommy tell you not to poke dragons??


              *pouts and holds her bitten finger*

              nah, she just said don’t pull the cat’s tail…and even then I had to learn the hard way O.O we never clipped Miss Kitty’s claws 😉 She had good defenses.


                Well, you can poke me if you want.. but then we might have to take this to a private room… 😯


                I’d tell you to kiss it and make it better…but I’m afraid of where you’d take that 😛

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