Daylight Savings Time

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      I hate the time change I wish the government would leave it one way or the other standard or daysaving year around it takes me at least a week to re-program myself each time. My computer, VCRs and DVD all re-set at the time DST used to be not what it seem to change to every year or so lately


        I loathe it and fnd it utterly detestable and despicable…. It was supposed to be used to save energy/power, although I don’t now how ‘they’ justify that…. If it’s dark when you get up in the a.m. you turn on all the lights; and when it’s dark in the p.m. you just turn on all the lights. Of course we now live in a 24 hour day schedule where nothing ever shuts down and/or turns off, stores, factories etc. Just leave the time changes alone and let me not have to be grumpy for the 2 weeks it takes to adjust……

        twindragonsmum 😀



          It’s a pain in the butt….I wish they would just choose a time and leave it alone. 😡


            Three cheers for Arizona! 🙂


              I’m going against the grain and stating, I like Daylight Savings time! It use to get dark by 5:30 pm and now when I get home from a day shift, there will still be enough light so I can get in some tennis or walk my dog in the woods.


                Canada Springs ahead! well everyone but Saskatchewan 😛


                I’ll admit that I like it in the summer. Because my cats insist that when the birds start singing is time to get up–and they’d be waking me up at 3:30 am rather than 4:30 am if it weren’t for Daylight savings!

                But the adjusting twice a year is no fun. 😕


                twindragonsmum wrote:

                I loathe it and fnd it utterly detestable and despicable…. It was supposed to be used to save energy/power, although I don’t now how ‘they’ justify that…. If it’s dark when you get up in the a.m. you turn on all the lights; and when it’s dark in the p.m. you just turn on all the lights. Of course we now live in a 24 hour day schedule where nothing ever shuts down and/or turns off, stores, factories etc. Just leave the time changes alone and let me not have to be grumpy for the 2 weeks it takes to adjust……

                twindragonsmum 😀

                I agree. I wish they’d just leave it alone. I hate having to readjust every Spring and Fall.

                Clickie click You know you want to 😉
                Seudig**Bedelia*Purple*White*Silver* D Green


                  Normally, I HATE Daylight Savings… I don’t see the point. I loved not having to deal with it in AZ… though it messed with my TV schedules (:roll:).

                  They don’t observe it here, thankfully… YAY for Japanese farmers and the Ministry of Education!! But I must admit that I’m loving the change right now. Now it’s only a 14-hour time difference between me and my parents, instead of 15. An hour makes a big difference when I have to stay up late to call them.


                  I’m going against the general sentiment too and saying I love it, I look forward to the spring change every year and IMO it ought to be a national holiday! There, I said it and I’m glad! I’m really glad it’s 7 months long and regular time is only 5 months of dark and dreary days, but DLS always says we survived another winter, it’s LIGHT again!! I get SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) really bad each year and when DSL goes off, I go off like a light switch too. I need sunlight and greenery and blue skies and warmth, I get literally hungry for that and I get depressed and lethargic, so when DSL comes, hope and energy comes back to my world! So far, at least on this thread, I can see I am in the minority by far, but I cheerfully put up with a few minutes of clock changing and yes it does take a little jetlagging but for me the benefits are so worth it to feel alive again! My .02 are in. drgnlvr


                  Stephanie wrote:

                  We don’t do DLS in Arizona. I love not having to do it. 🙂

                  You don’t? Lucky you!


                    I’m still hurting from it, and the fact that I had to take Khym to his Umm observation??? to see how he’s doing since his time in the NICU, and get any early intervention going if it’s needed.

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