Dark_Zorse's Sneak Peek of the Week!

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  • #657567

      Sorry about your lap top!


        dark_zorse wrote:

        Sadly, the jinx of the jade emperor has just gotten worse.

        The hard drive on my laptop toasted itself last night. I now only have computer access at work. Communication is now next to nil.

        This means I now can’t use my camera because there isn’t a media card reader here at work I can use.

        This means that sneak peeks are on hold until further notice.

        Sorry guys. 🙁

        Oh thats a bummer…. 😕 I hope you are able to get your laptop fixed….I know I hate when that happens, and it really frustrates me…. 🙂



          dark_zorse wrote:

          Sadly, the jinx of the jade emperor has just gotten worse.

          The hard drive on my laptop toasted itself last night. I now only have computer access at work. Communication is now next to nil.

          This means I now can’t use my camera because there isn’t a media card reader here at work I can use.

          This means that sneak peeks are on hold until further notice.

          Sorry guys. 🙁
          Argh! Good luck getting yout laptop fixed.


            Sorry about the laptop & big gator tears for the sneak peeks


              Sorry to hear about the laptop. I’m just getting mine back up online.

              If you can afford the extra $10-$25, there are multi-card memory card readers out there. You just plug them into a USB plug on a pc and insert your card into the slot for the type of card you have (they generally take most types). They’re small, very portable, require no set up time (just plug it in), and can save time when you don’t have your own pc to use to download pictures from your camera, but need to copy a picture to someone or to another computer (with my laptop down, this has saved me a lot of hassle the last few weeks, that and my portable USB drive). They will read most of the common memory cards out there (unless you have something really obscure… just check out the info on the reader. It should say what it has slots for.). Staples, Best Buy or one of those stores should have one (or several). Walmart may even carry them, but I’m not sure. Just put ‘memory card reader’ into a search engine and you should see a bunch of different ones. If it’s really expensive (say $70), it’s probably a firewire reader and not what you are looking for.

              <– Click us please, so we can hatch. 🙂


                quick! some one visit the factory and take photos! DX

                man, that bites about your HD.


                The last pic was really cool. Thank you. I am sorry about your Hard drive as well and not being able to see more pics.


                dark_zorse!!! EEEK I am soo sorry about your HD frying… thats not cool man!!!
                best of luck getting everything in working order soon ;))

                There are usb media card readers you can buy at most electronic stores, some are actually very cheap! I got mine for free with rebates ;p


                KoishiiKitty wrote:

                quick! some one visit the factory and take photos! DX

                That’s an idea.
                Sorry about your hard drive, Zorse.


                  Melody does not want anyone to stop by the factory at all now. It would take away too much time fromt the move. I was thinking of driving down one last time tomorrow and in another post she said not to


                  Oh Wow that really sucks. I know how much I hate being without my computer.
                  A good place to check online for hard drive or parts is Newegg.com We’ve gotten many good buys there.

                  Here is my dragon. There should be more of everybodys growing up soon. Maybe that will help til sneak peek is back? 😉


                  Oh, DZ, that sucks that both got fried. 🙁


                    Ok, DZ said it was ok to post this, so here is your sneak peak.


                      OHHHH…thank you Adara…I love the Rainbow Hatching emperor`s…I`m gonna have to for sure get those… 😆




                      *flailspaz* neeeeed~ :0

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