Phoenix wrote:
Are those your test paints Zorse?
Is that a bear I see in the background?
Is that a rainbow flapcat or a flion on the left?
So much to oggle!
Yes, I am ashamed to admit, those are my test paints. And no, that’s not a rainforest colored flion (just a fugly one). All those sitting on top of my paint booth are all seconds I get to use for learning how to use an airbrush, and for refining my technique. As you guys know, we don’t allow any seconds out of the factory, but they (WISELY!) did not want to turn loose a rookie on production pieces (Nor would you guys I suspect want to recieve a badly painted dragon). So, the seconds all make it to my booth where I get to practice on them before they get mashed up with a hammer.
Please don’t ask for closeups. They really are horrifically painted. Only reason some of them are still sitting there I suspect is to save for teasing me about my days as a rookie. 😛