Danny's bronc results are finally in!

Home Forums Miscellany Community Danny's bronc results are finally in!

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      Yeah, it’s been a few years since Chinook was born (exactly 9 years on Monday), but the very beginning is such that you may not know you’re in labor (that’s how it was for me). I had Braxton Hicks (false contractions) for the last four months, so I didn’t know the difference. The best way to describe it is when you work your muscles a lot – to the point were they feel like they’re burning – well that’s what your abdominal muscles are doing. So the pain when you get to the “real” contractions, the ones towards the end, is similar to that. The crowning felt more like a burn, really, and it can be called – I forget – the circle of fire??? something like that.

      It is not an immediate and acute pain like you would get when you hurt yourself. It builds and builds… for me, the actual giving birth was a better experience than the pregnancy itself. I gave birth within about 2 1/2 hours. The nurses commented on the fact that my hair didn’t get dishevelled!

      What no one had described to me was “the urge to push”. I was told: “when you get the urge to push, make sure you give real good pushes, so they count.” Well, guess what? I didn’t know it when is happened the first time! I felt like I had to go to the bathroom (#2). I said so, and the nurse answered “go ahead, we’ll clean up”. Like, ew! Then it went away and came back. That’s when the nurse said, that’s the cue to push.

      I didn’t get any time to foot or lower back massage/pressure. I did grab the side bars big time, to the point where the next day, my muscles were super sore, like I had lifted mega-weights. πŸ˜†

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        dragonmedley wrote:

        What no one had described to me was “the urge to push”. I was told: “when you get the urge to push, make sure you give real good pushes, so they count.” Well, guess what? I didn’t know it when is happened the first time! I felt like I had to go to the bathroom (#2). I said so, and the nurse answered “go ahead, we’ll clean up”. Like, ew! Then it went away and came back. That’s when the nurse said, that’s the cue to push.

        See no one had decribed that sensation to me as well. When I first got to the hospital (around 1:30 a.m.) they wanted me to pee in a cup. I couldn’t because I had gone an hour before leaving the house and then Gavin settled down to where I couldn’t pee. They never checked to see if I was dialated, they just wanted me to pee in that darn cup. The monitor that measures contractions wasn’t picking anything up because my contractions had moved down below the belly button. Several times I felt like I had to go to the bathroom (#2) and even though I was trying I never could. They finally decided that since I couldn’t pee in that darn cup they would put a catheter in me. Well lo and behold when they went to do it they said do we have time to move her? Apparently when I was trying to go #2 I was pushing Gavin closer to being born. They moved me to a private room (rather than the observation area with two other women) and probably less than 30 minutes later Gavin was born at 2:56 A.M.


          I’m gonna stop coming in here if you guys are gonna keep telling me how bad labor feels πŸ˜†


            purpledoggy wrote:

            I’m gonna stop coming in here if you guys are gonna keep telling me how bad labor feels πŸ˜†

            Tell me about it! I’m not having any more kids and it’s still giving me nightmares! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


              I don’t have any and I’m in pain


                lamortefille wrote:

                purpledoggy wrote:

                I’m gonna stop coming in here if you guys are gonna keep telling me how bad labor feels πŸ˜†

                Tell me about it! I’m not having any more kids and it’s still giving me nightmares! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†

                Hey, I’m trying to be positive here! It was a wonderful experience for me. I’d redo the labor and delivery anytime, just not the pregnancy.

                Yup, Chinook is therefore going to remain an only child πŸ˜€

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.

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