
Cystic Fibrosis

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        One of my friends on myspace sent this out as a bulletin so I thought I would share it. Its an 8 minute clip of people with cf talking about the disease.


        Siobhan Ryan, the girl shown in the video while in the hospital passed away last week. I look at her in her hospital bed and it brings me back to all the times I’ve been with my husband while he faced the same thing. I really hope that one day they find a cure for this disease.


          I hope for a cure too… I just remember all the things my friends Janice and Sharon went through. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody… 😥



            A cure would be great


            Man, I wish there was more they could do, but it is amazing all the things they have to help too. That vest is nifty…I know that before someone made that, parents had to pound on their children’s backs to loosen up the mucus, doing that every day would be so hard.

            I hope that the research they are doing with t-cells will succeed in finding a solution. I know they have had some success with improving cells within the lungs and getting them to reduce mucus production, but no real cure just yet.



            I hope they’ll find a cure as well. Very sad.

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