Customizing – airbrush done, photos pg. 3

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    Necron99 wrote:

    i say do somthing like this

    Er, no. The accents are blue, and I don’t want it looking patriotic. 😆


    boskydragon wrote:

    Energie! Looks fun! Aqua looks kinda sluggish (though soothing), and not as energizing ( 🙄 for lack of a better word) and fast as the energie.

    That’s a good point. I didn’t realize Aqua does look rather “comfortable.”

    Thank you all for all the feedback!
    I’ll post of photos as soon as the bike is painted. 😀


    well at least go with the lion megaphone on the front 😛


      😆 😆 😆


      On Saturday I picked up the airbrushed parts from the artist. And voila – here’s my Beastie newly decked out.
      (I decked myself out too – bought new leather driving gear. 😛 )
      All opinions welcome!

      I need to upload a photo from above the bike so you can see the electricity on the airbox cover. More photos shall follow.


      wow! Awesome 😀


        Looks SWEET!!! I like it!!!!!!! 😀


        😀 😀 Thanks, ladies!


        I want a ride…



        Hop on over. 😉


        ugh…the plane trip would be terrible…


        You don’t like flying? I enjoy flying – I just can’t stand the “security” harassment.


        I like to fly, taking off and landing give me fun butterflies! But I get bored being on the plane for so long…and my butt and back and neck start to hurt from sitting down so long, oh my gosh! Those chairs on NOT comfortable.

        hmm, security, I haven’t had a problem with that. Taking my shoes off to pass through the security sensor is a bit weird, and the lines are quite long now…but meh.


        I like long trips. Plug my ears with music, read a book, doze off… No problem. 😆


          Beastie looks awesome! And nice gear. Yow, somebody spent a pretty penny (not that good gear’s not worth every cent). Def. Alpinestars… is it Stella?

          Do the helmet graphics match the bike? Looks like Shoei’s RF-1000 Strife in blue (which rocks!). That’d be perfect.

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