Hey, family.
Five months ago I bought myself a Buell. (Here’s the thread.)
I’ve slowly been changing things on it; now comes the big deal. I’m going to have a design airbrushed on it. The only criteria is that the design be blue. But I’ve been having the hardest time figuring out what exactly I want.
At first I wanted ightning, until I found another Buell airbrushed like that. I thought about blue tiger stripes, blue rock texture, monster scratches (a la Jurassic Park), fur, alien muscle with glowing blue tendons… Nothing really seems right. I put together these two rudimentary designs in MS Paint. (I have the GIMP, but aside from still not knowing how to use most of it, I can’t install it on my work computer.)
Any feedback would be appreciated.


Personally, I’m tending toward the “Energie” design. (The front flyscreen would be dark, like you see it on the side view, not as light as from the front.)
If you have any new ideas, or suggestions on how to improve the design, or just plain “like” or “don’t like”, I’d love to hear it. 😀