Phoenix wrote:
I just found this thread. These are very cool! What do you use for the sculpting?
I’m wondering if it’s breakable and heavy when you are finished. It can’t be the bakable stuff.
You do great work!
As far as I know, the polymer clay I use is break and chip resistant 😉 Plus I added layers of protective gloss spray and they don’t really stick that much out from the book cover, so I think you’d have to work at it to break anything off. One time I made a Christmas ornament that I accidentally drop-kicked across the room (don’t ask me how I did it :X) and it didn’t have a scratch on it! 😆
As far as weight, it is a little heavier in that you do notice the weight difference but I wouldn’t say it’s that big of a difference, again because I am really spreading the clay across the cover and not letting it rise too high. This is different from when I do shadow-box canvases like these:
Those two are fairly “deep” whereas the fish and scales are probably less than 1 cm at their “deepest” especially the koi which I purposely made a little less pronounced, I’d say about less than half of 1 cm on average. With the dragonscales, I let it get a little more in depth to enchance the texture ^_^
Thanks for the interest! 😀