Curlies, coils

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    Has anyone got a whole family of them all? What colours are there?
    I thought there were white, peacock and emerald mother and father and then the 5 curlies in em pea, black gold, russet flame? white and gold.

    Would anyone care to post pictures of them all? Pleasie? 😀


      They’ve also recently added the black gold “father” coiled. You can see a picture of him here.


        This thread had a pic of all the curlies except one, I think. I dont see the pic though. Can you? I think it may be because I am at work. I know there are the 5 curlie colors (BG, Gold, Russet, Empea, and White) Then the momma in white, peacock, and emerald, possibly jade, and the father in the same colors and now BG.


        Oh yes i forgot about the male in the balck gold 😆

        Yep i can see the picture thank you Ski!!!!


          Griffiness wrote:

          Oh yes i forgot about the male in the balck gold 😆

          Yep i can see the picture thank you Ski!!!!you’re welcome 🙂


          Ok another question, i know the little curlies you can get from the shop and that all the male and female ones are retired (Apart form the male in Black Golds)

          How much would the others be price wise?

          Female in White, Peacock and Emerald?
          Father in White, peacock and Emerald?


            Griffiness wrote:

            Ok another question, i know the little curlies you can get from the shop and that all the male and female ones are retired (Apart form the male in Black Golds)

            How much would the others be price wise?

            Female in White, Peacock and Emerald?
            Father in White, peacock and Emerald?

            Alot. The moms have been going for over $200 in most cases. The males, not as much. You can probably get the peacock male in a store for around $75. Not the moms, though. They are pricey no matter what color they are. The male white and green, probably around 150-175. Just a guesstimate.


            OK thats not so bad, i was going to bid £150 $300 for an emerald mother because i really liked her and go the sellers other Dragons. Ruffian was bidding so i decided to let her get it but i never got a reply i assumed ruff wanted it 😕

            Someone found me a hidden auction for a white coiled male Dragon that finished for $50 i think i should have got him. He was mint as well. Oh well never mind 8)
            I really like them.

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