Cucumber Mint Sugar Cookies!

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    This is really simple….

    I just used one of those packages of sugar cookie mix (like the betty crocker kind)
    Made the dough to specifications.
    Added a medium sized cucumber (shredded and peeled).
    And added about 4 cap fulls of peppermint extract (er, so maybe 2, 2 1/2 teaspoons? I really did it to taste of the dough…).

    And then baked to the specifications on the cookie mix package (375F for 6-8 mins).

    They come out with the texture of maybe an angelfood cake (probably because of the water from the cucumber) and they are so good! And the minty taste is perfect for the holidays (and the cucumber makes it feel less guilty lol).

    You could probably use any sugar cookie recipe that you have though – if you don’t like the pre-mixed stuff. And even then it’s probably prepare as normal, then add the peppermint extract and cucumber on top of the other ingredients.
    :yum: :yum:


    This recipe is… innersting. You seem to like cucs, Dragon87 – I remember trying another of your recipes (I think it was yours) that was a strange cuc combination… 😆 Wish I could remember what it was, not just that it was actually pretty tasty! I’ll try this one too.


    Yup cucumber carrot cookies! lol

    This particular one is what I was wanting to make last time… with a “cool” cucumber taste (not spicy like carrot cake, which the last ones were like). I really don’t eat cucumbers if they aren’t in cookie form…. 😆

    Since I couldn’t find a recipe I was looking for… I made it up this time!

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