Crouching Pearl Griffin Chick

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      I got the impression that they might just do a few more with the blue eyes and then discontinue them…which doesn’t bother me, I’ve actually got both chicks, so I’m good. 😀 I’m more interested in the pink eyed variation, I’d like to snag a chick in that variety. 😀


      Nambroth wrote:

      There will be more! They are painting the final batch right now. After they sell, there will not be any more made.

      Oh YAY! I’ve got the sitting, now I can get the crouching! *dances* :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


        I’ve got all four and I love my White Griffin Family. I encourage everyone to get all of them. They look so nice together.


          emerald212 wrote:

          I’ve got all four and I love my White Griffin Family. I encourage everyone to get all of them. They look so nice together.

          I plan on getting the entire family when it comes out to match the old Black Male. Though the white chicks are growing on me.


            emerald212 wrote:

            I’ve got all four and I love my White Griffin Family. I encourage everyone to get all of them. They look so nice together.

            I have to agree, they do look nice together.


            emerald212 wrote:

            I’ve got all four and I love my White Griffin Family. I encourage everyone to get all of them. They look so nice together.

            I just got my White Male and I do agree also they look really nice. My male was whiter then the others, but they still look nice.


              What are the black sunset griffins supposed to look like? Anyone have a link?


                This is from GB’s recent visit to the warehouse. They aren’t finished yet, but you can get an idea.


                  Oooohhh, how loudly do I have to :squeak: for one of those????


                    The Black Sunset family is supposed to be regular production so there won’t be too much :squeak: needed. Just be patient give the folks at factory time to finish painting them.


                      Nambroth wrote:

                      mmloda wrote:

                      Nambroth wrote:

                      There will be more! They are painting the final batch right now. After they sell, there will not be any more made.

                      Hey Nam…that is great, I’ll be bale to picks them up, but I was also wondering if there will be any more pearl mother griffins???? 😆

                      Yes. There will be more of each chick, and the mothers. Then that is it, no more. 🙂

                      That is great…I Really want to get the mother and the chicks 😆


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