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      😆 DM…isn’t that the truth?


      XD He’d die…*points and snickers* I should though…And tell him he might be in trouble later. He always lieks to razz me, but I am scared with the way kids are today that he will take me seriously and stop eating! 😮

      LOL Sorry for the hijack Twinsmum! 😳


      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      LOL!!! Tall thin and gangly…That’s my son too! He’s 14 and 5’11” and weighs about 150. He thinks he is fat. :shrug:
      He’s not into sports though…I don’t know why, but he is just not so well coordinated. 😮 I used to be, but no so much anymore. 😳

      Oh, he has my sympathy on that coordination thing! At his age I was growing so darned fast that I never knew where the heck my hands and feet were, let alone things like elbows and knees. I was a great staggering lummox of oversized joints and long bones, constantly bouncing off of door frames and tables. Hated P.E. I had the legs but I was a poor runner (no muscle mass to heave that frame around). That mess continued until high school when, because there was nothing being offered in P.E. that I wanted to take, I ended up in a class that was all girls, half weights and half aerobic dance. The teacher was absolutely dynamite. She worked our buns off, but made us love every minute of it, and I discovered that I could do weights and I could do dance. My confidence shot up, I finally learned coordination, and I learned what exercise can do for me. 🙂

      I hope very much that the right P.E. teacher comes along for your son! It’s probably harder for boys, since they’ve got that silly “all boys must be athletes” nonsense to deal with. Organized sports definitely aren’t for everyone! (Can’t stand them, myself. The overfocus on competition gets right up my nose.) And it’s such a pain when you’re in a weights class where it’s all about who can bench more than everyone else. Everything depends on the teacher. The really fine teachers are the ones who help every student work towards improving their own self, and never mind what the others are doing. I think that’s true in any field, but in P.E. they’re a real treasure.

      Tell your son to hang in there! Things will get better. Maybe ask him if he’s interested in something like tai chi (just improving balance and control will do wonders for reducing the bruises). And BTW, 150 pounds at 5’11” on a guy is by no fantastic stretch of the imagination fat! Good grief. Whoever’s been filling his ears with that nonsense needs to get their nose out of the fashion magazines and switch on their brain. :nea:


        Barrdwing wrote:

        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        LOL!!! Tall thin and gangly…That’s my son too! He’s 14 and 5’11” and weighs about 150. He thinks he is fat. :shrug:
        He’s not into sports though…I don’t know why, but he is just not so well coordinated. 😮 I used to be, but no so much anymore. 😳

        I And BTW, 150 pounds at 5’11” on a guy is by no fantastic stretch of the imagination fat! Good grief. Whoever’s been filling his ears with that nonsense needs to get their nose out of the fashion magazines and switch on their brain. :nea:

        Amen to that!


          Well put, barrdwing. 😀


          All true!
          (He knows his mom doesn’t like skinny guys…I’m sorry, I know I may seem out of the ordinary with this comment, but I am not really into the bodies the young girls like! I like a guy with (a bit of) a pot belly…Stocky…Farm boy I guess you could say. 😉 😳 ) A man who works with his hands, and smells of diesel exhaust when he comes home. 😕 SO I’m weird. 😛


          Does it help for him to look at photos of his dad when he was his age? After all, he’s still a “work in progress” at the moment. He’s just been growing lately; he hasn’t reached the point of putting muscle on that long frame. It’ll come, one way or another . . . although granted some of that farm-style work would put the muscle on faster! 😉


            Absolutely a “work in progress”!!! Most young men don’t “fill out” until 18 or 19. Me boyohs are in what we call the “growing puppy” stage… all arms, legs, feet and hands and still learning to judge distances, etc. And since they literally grow overnight 😮 they can’t depend on what the body “learned” the day before, ’cause it’s different the next day… Besides, “real athletes run, others just play games” 😀

            twindragonsmum 😀


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