Creatures/Petz/Sims/Video Games

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    Thrippa wrote:

    SimAnt was great until I figured out how to win it. Every time. After that, I was never creative enough with the experimental mode to keep me interested.

    Ah yes, but it sure felt great when I was young to actually master something like that.

    Thrippa wrote:

    SimLife, now, THAT one I actually just bought a new copy of, since mine was on 3.5 floppy and I no longer have a computer with a floppy drive. Design a world (percentages of water, mountains, temperature range, seasons, etc), line up the physics, call up either a pre-designed zoo of animals and plants or design some or all from scratch, and then try to set up a balanced ecosystem. Or an unbalanced ecosystem, using food carts to feed and walls to keep out predators. As it’s a SIm game you can then unleash disaster on your planet – disease, comet, or, best of all, Civilization( a bulldozer runs all over the screen, flattening your plants and animals at random and leaving houses behind). I dearly wish they’d update it. I had high hopes for Spore but it turned out to have too little similarity when it was finally released.

    Was it called SimEarth? I wish I’d owned that growing up. I believe it was released before SimAnt — I read about in a book on the history of video and computer games. A few of Maxis’ competitors released some great games, a perfect example would be Zoo Tycoon.
    Ooh, and I’m sure everyone here has some stories about the original “Oregon Trail.”


      I’ll bite – what was Oregon Trail (and why does it cause rolling on the floor)? I spent my game time playing ZORK.


      Oregon Trail = Hours of fun — NOT! XD XD


      SImEarth was nearer what Spore ended up being; you controlled the planet more than the creatures for most of the game. SimLife was a great ‘playing god’ game, you couldn’t directly control the animals but you could tweak genes at any instant, clone, smite, pick up and move or simply add more. I had almost the whole lot of them: SimCity (original, 2000,3000, 4), SimAnt, SimEarth, SimIsle, SimTower, SimLife . . . um, SimFarm; only SimCity and the Sims survived for the long haul. The two I didn’t have were SimCopter and SimGolf. There were also some children’s games, like SimPark.

      Zoo Tycoon was wonderful; I’ve recently reverted to the original version because I prefer it to the second version – not that the second doesn’t have some good additions, but the first.

      I have heard very much about Oregon Trail but never actually played it.


      Thrippa wrote:

      SImEarth was nearer what Spore ended up being; you controlled the planet more than the creatures for most of the game. SimLife was a great ‘playing god’ game, you couldn’t directly control the animals but you could tweak genes at any instant, clone, smite, pick up and move or simply add more. I had almost the whole lot of them: SimCity (original, 2000,3000, 4), SimAnt, SimEarth, SimIsle, SimTower, SimLife . . . um, SimFarm; only SimCity and the Sims survived for the long haul. The two I didn’t have were SimCopter and SimGolf. There were also some children’s games, like SimPark.

      Zoo Tycoon was wonderful; I’ve recently reverted to the original version because I prefer it to the second version – not that the second doesn’t have some good additions, but the first.

      I have heard very much about Oregon Trail but never actually played it.
      Oh, ok — thanks for the clarification. :yes:

      I had SimPark, and in my humble opinion, it was pretty bad. I mean, it had it’s own internal logic that hardly resembled reality — kind of like Creatures. 😆 I think that is why Zoo Tycoon came as such a pleasant surprise to me as a kid. I also had the add-on pack which featured dinosaurs. (So impossible and cool!) In Creatures, you could supposedly tinker with the genetic code of your norns directly without having to breed for new traits — it required this program called the Genetics Kit which was far beyond my understanding at the time.

      Should I start The Sims 3? Is it any fun? :scratch:


        Zephyr wrote:

        Oregon Trail = Hours of fun — NOT! XD XD

        I remember oregon trail. An exercise in futility, for kids! Then cause every time you pressed move something terrible would happen you’d just spend tons of time hunting. I’m surprised my generation isn’t made up of psychopaths.

        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


          For some reason I think I missed out on playing Oregon Trail, even if almost everyone else of my generation did. I honestly can’t remember anything like that from the time I had on computers way back then.


          I was able to play Oregon Trail both at school and my local library when I was growing up. My grade school’s computer lab had these really primitive Apple computers (primitive even for the time) with only the teachers having up-to-date Microsoft computers which were hooked up to giant CRT television screens for the purpose of lessons. I’m guessing the Apples were Macintosh II models, but I can’t be sure. They displayed these light blue menus with white text. I remember Oregon Trail the most from the John C. Hart library though — futility is right. 😆


          I haven’t tried Sims 3. The Sims (1) was a lot of fun, but had some first-of-the-type style flaws. Sims 2 was both more complex and a decided improvement in many ways (although I enjoyed the original greatly). Sims 3 adds some further complexity, but I felt the balance of 2 was very good and didn’t really want more complex – besides which, I hadn’t enough time to finish all my goals in #2. The people who made the switch seem to really love the 3rd version, though.


            Sims was never my thing, but I did play Sim Ant. Never got real far 😳 Oldies for me are Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (played on the classroom computer) and Might and Magic (I still have part II: Gates to another World’s instruction manual).


            Feel free to mention your favorite video games as well!

            I begged my parents for a Sega Genesis long after they became outdated. 😆 The titles available for it were simply too good to pass up.
            I grew up with Playstation 1 & 2, Nintendo 64, and I own a Sega Dreamcast as well. Ecco the Dolphin, Insomniac’s Spyro the Dragon Series, and Super Smash Brothers really stand out for me, but I didn’t really own that many games. (I rented quite a few though) I remember having fun with Drakan: The Ancient’s Gates for Playstation 2 — at the time I had never played anything like it. Go ahead and share your favorites video game titles, including those for the Wii, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3. :yes:


              If I remember correctly, Jennifer will be happy to see someone mention Ecco.

              I went looking for which version of the Catz I had and it’s the very first one. It’s the “SmartSaver” version you could buy at office supply stores a few years after the initial release, so it’s compatible with Windows 3.1/95.


              Oh, and who can forget Ecco: Defender of the Future.

              I used to visit the fansite Caverns of Hope a lot — I was such an Ecco geek as a kid. 😀
              I don’t think that I can choose a favorite game; they’re all so different. Spyro the Dragon maybe…

              Learn how Stewart Copeland composed the music for Spyro —> Click here!


                Don’t laugh but Ecco is the reason I am where I am today! It’s probably the only reason I am here on these forums, too.
                Ecco: The Tides of Time is the reason I was inspired to try and paint professionally. I was taken with the beautiful landscapes and it pushed me to try painting scenery.
                Then, the only reason my best friend and roommate Amber Hill (Vantid) found me and we talked at all was because of the Ecco Fansites! Without Amber I am genuinely unsure of where I would be today. I probably wouldn’t even be working for Windstone at all without her!

                Thank you, Ecco!

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
                My art:


                  That Ecco the Dolphin looks interesting. I don’t play games that often [older computer] but I enjoy the ones with beautiful scenery.

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