Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7

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    Why do they have to wait so long to do more tests? I really hope that they can figure things out for you!


    It’s normal to get your thyroid tested every few months if you have either hyper- or hypo-thyroidism to make sure the pills are keeping it under control. :3


      PaperCut wrote:

      It’s normal to get your thyroid tested every few months if you have either hyper- or hypo-thyroidism to make sure the pills are keeping it under control. :3

      Yup. This goes for pets too. One of my dogs has thyroid issues. He takes a pill every day and has blood drawn every so many months to verify that he is taking the proper amount of medication or if the amount needs to be adjusted. He’s down to 1.5 pills today (he was on two, but his test last week showed we needed to cut down the amount of medication a little). Not sure the dosage (since I don’t buy the meds and the bottles are at home :wink:).

      <– Click us please, so we can grow up. 🙂


      So, you are making progress! Excellent job! Im so pleased to hear you say less anxiety about being left alone and about blood tests. Many steps in the right direction! *hugs*


        Papercut, you have taken some big steps! I’m proud of you!. I know exactly what you mean about tests…… I’ve had over 50 surgeries in less than 10 years and I hate all the poking, prodding, head scratching because nobody knows what’s wrong… 🙄 Hang in there; I’m pulling for you!

        twindragonsmum 😀



        Two hours by yourself and not anxious: that is wonderful! That’s a major milestone. Next time you’re feeling frustrated, remember this triumph: it’s a very good sign. 😀

        I hear you on the whole blood draw thing. Can’t stand needles either; I get all queasy and try to pass out. The only time I didn’t go all wobbly was when our entire class had to have blood drawn and they just assembly-lined us through a small conference room. I guess the potential for major public embarrassment was enough to override the ick response. 🙄


        Ugh, I’m with all of you on the blood draws/iv’s/needles. I have had 15 surgeries in 5 years, and am officially on the IV team’s “HIT LIST” (specialty team of really good Iv inserters)They hate me at the hospital. I hold the record for most number of sticks in one visit, 87. Yep 87. that was 5 diffrent people, trying to get an Iv in me. They finally put one in my neck. I’ve had them in both feet, both sides of my neck, in my chest, in the femoral, etc….I have crap veins, mostly from the cancer treatment. I used to be a good sport about it, but c’mon, how nice can you be when u feel like a pin cushion? Hang in there hun, you are making progress!!


        H…holy CRAP. 87??? *dies* I would just leave before they got that far. After about the 15th time I would just be like “DONOTWANT” and leave. Ugh. 😯 How did you… get through all that and not rip someones throat out or something? O_____O


        I was in ALOT of pain, leaving wasn’t an option unfortunatly. And I was so dehydrated that it was either the IV or the tube down my nose. No thanks on that. I have a vey supportive husband, whose fingers I crush. And scream, when it reall really hurts. It sounds worse that it is though. 😀


        Ah, I see. Sorry you had to go through all that. *hugs*


          Khym says to tell everyone He knows how you feel about being a Pincushion, and wishes he didn’t, ’cause he’s still having Nightmares!!! 🙁

          And his Momma also wishes he didn’t because she’s the one who doesn’t get any sleep because he’s screaming all night. 🙁

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