
Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7

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    I haven’t started taking the thyroid meds yet. I want to wait until after the MRI since I can’t take tranquilizers with them, and I will DEFINITELY need tranqs. x.x


      Hang in there and try and get some rest when you can. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll be okay, though that makes it very hard to type 😆


        Awww…I really hope that your meds will help, and until then, I hope you will feel better! I am hoping for the best, and hopefully soon the doctors will be able to help you get your hormones to a good level!


          I’m so sorry to hear that we all wish you the best of luck


            I’m sorry to hear that, PaperCut. Best of luck to you and your mom. Hugs.


              Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

              For the MRI do you need to be touching someone or will talking with someone be enough? Will one of the techs talk with you or stay with you if asked? Or will someone else be allowed to do so?



                They’ll talk to you but they can’t be in the same room. Screws up the readings.


                Even if someone could be in the room with me, it couldn’t be either of my parents. My dad had heart surgery (double-bypass) several years ago and has wires in his chest, and my mother has a stent(sp?) in her heart, so… yeah, that wouldn’t be good. XD

                Hopefully the tranquilizers will knock me out enough where I won’t be freaking out and screaming/crying/having seizures. O__o;;

                I really wish they didn’t have to inject dye into my veins though. I throw up when I see needles, even on TV. Though strangely I have 13 tattoos and plan on getting more… XD;


                  MRI’s aren’t really as bad as they sound (except for the noise they make) you lay on a table and there is a large round tunnel like thing that has wires, etc that go round you wherever it is required. I know that is a poor explanation but I can’t think of a better way to put it maybe somebody else can. I had an MRI a couple of years ago I was having bad headaches everyday and the doctor wanted to check for tumors or something – they didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. I almost freaked out when they told me I would have to have dye inserted but as far as inserting the dye – I am the worlds biggest checken when it comes to needles – but the technicians were great about it and frankly I hardly felt it. My prayers are with you and I hope it turns out tobe nothing serious.


                  Well I’m just terrified of being alone… the needle is nothing compared to that. Plus I’m horribly claustrophobic… ugh.

                  I had an IV once before, when I had surgery to remove a cyst from near the end of my spine. (This was about five years ago when my anxiety wasn’t nearly as bad.) They put this cream stuff on my hand to numb the skin, but it didn’t work. Then they stabbed me with a novocaine needle and THAT didn’t work either. *flails* That IV hurt so bad I wanted to scream. T_____T


                  Kay, back from the MRI… omfg I NEVER want to do that again. T_____T When I got there I was shaking so bad I couldn’t keep my arms and legs still. I did take a tranquilizer before I left the house, but it didn’t work at all.

                  The technician was nice, but he had a really hard time finding my veins and ended up sticking me three times. T_T

                  That thing… was HORRIBLE. They gave me music to listen to (radio), but aaagh. I thought I was going to puke a few times. Things were swimming around like right before you puke, and… T___T I did get through it okay, but omfg. I hope to god I never need another one (unless I’m in a coma or something and won’t notice).

                  So now I have to wait for the results, but my doctor is on vacation now til after Christmas, so it could be a while. ;0;

                  Didn’t get much sleep last night either… shaking/gagging too much. *still feels like puking*


                    Poor girl, at least it’s over with…hope you feel better soon!!


                      I hope you feel better by now, Papercut. You made it through, that’s what counts!


                      I do feel better now, though I’m still nervous about waiting for the results… I started taking the Levothroid Wednesday.

                      I went to the gynecologist today to get my second Guardasi(sp?) shot, and I switched to a different birth control pill since the Yaz is giving me cramps every day. x.x I got Seasonique now so hopefully with that and the Levothroid I’ll start to get better soon.


                        let us know when you find something out

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