
Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7

Home Forums Miscellany Community Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7

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    Ive dealt with Endocrinologists for years for a myriad of problems. Hormones can really, REALLY screw up your system and give you every single one of the symptoms you have (including causing your anxiety attacks). Once you get on hormone replacement, if need be, things will get better within the month. If they thought it urgent, trust me, theyd have you take an MRI etc., within the day. Unfortunately, youre left feeling miserable (rightfully so as I can understand part of your medical sh*t) while waiting for your not-so-urgent treatment. 🙄

    I know it is extremely hard and defeating not to be believed by your loved ones. Im so sorry you have to deal with the lack of support on top of feeling lousy and petrified… and alone probably.

    With all that is wrong with me, would you believe that my own father is in complete denial and refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong with his only child? “Impossible! Your doctors are foolish. You grew up completely healthy with chicken pox and the occasional cold. You were never sick and had an amazing healing capacity. Your doctors are feeding your worry, or are the cause of it. Chin up and get out there.” Out where- I have no idea. Im doing what I need to do such as a living (and sometimes more so against doctors orders) to make ends meet. It’s very upsetting when my own dad doesnt believe me and says “I dont want to hear another word about it,” but then rages when he isnt updated on my latest appointments, etc. It’s like he wants to know things, just so he can deny them to me… as if that will cure me. Sadly, his coping mechanisms of denial are hurting me in the end.

    Again, I share this because I know what it’s like not to be believed and Im terribly sorry you have to have that as part of your ordeal. I hope you get the care you need and know that at least we are here for you!

    Big warm supportive hugs XOXO


      Hang in there, sending lots of hugs and warm wishes!!


        Sending prayers your way. I agree with the others though, if it were urgent, they would have fast tracked you into emergency.
        Waiting sucks, but try to stay positive as after not being treated this long, the end is near.


        That’s scary, PaperCut, but I’m sure it helps to have the problem identified. Hugs!


        I am sorry to hear about how your family didn’t believe you. I hope you don’t have to wait too long before you can get an MRI and treatment. Is there any other place you can go to to get a faster MRI? I know that my husband gives patients MRI’s but I don’t know how long they have to wait before getting it. Wow…I’ll be thinking about you, and praying too!


          Let us know when you learn more…Sending mental chocolate cake your way! hugs! 🙂


          Well, my mother believes me now, obviously. ^^; Of course if I told my brother he’d just accuse me of screwing up the test somehow to make it look like I’m sick when I’m not. *sigh* Just can’t win sometimes.

          I’m still waiting on the results of my second blood test. Should be any day now, hopefully. Then I’ll know whether or not to try to see the doctor earlier.

          I’m still freaking out over this whole thing. My mother is trying to stay calm, but I can tell she’s worried too. And my dad is just pretending not to care so he doesn’t scare me. 🙄


            Hang in there Papercut! Hopefully, one of the suggestions from Kyrin or the others will help get you into the endocrinologist sooner. Tell them that the symptoms/this issue has been going on for 6-7 years as well. This may make them feel more inclined to see you sooner. I know with some specialists, there really isn’t much you can do because they are just that backed up, but it NEVER hurts to try.

            I’d smack your brother over the head. Seriously. Hard with a clue x four. Before I was diagnosed with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome), I had to go to a psychiatrist to prove that I wasn’t ‘imagining’ my symptoms in order to get attention. All that succeeded in doing was wasting my time talking to an idiot who decided that I was completely normal *snicker* and my mom and dad each had major issues of their own (mind you, he talked to them for maybe 4-5 minutes total). I eventually got into a wonderful doctor who was able to help (by which time my immune system was pretty much crashed and barely existant at that point, which is NOT good). I still have to be careful, since CFS isn’t recognised by all doctors as a real disorder. I’m lucky my parents were so supportive, even when other family members weren’t, because they saw what it was doing to me. Sometimes you have to fight for what you need!

            Good luck and do keep us posted. My fingers (and toes are crossed that you can get in sooner to the endocrinologist). MRI and CT scanss are actually easier to get scheduled for (at least that’s what I’ve seen near me), so hopefully you will not have to wait a month. You could always ask if the endocrinologist would like you to have one done before you come in (they probably want to see you first, but you never know).


            Keep us posted, PaperCut. Good luck.


            Okay so I went to the endocrinologist on the 13th. I do have hypothyroidism (more specifically Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and will need to be on meds for the rest of my life. Great. x.x Then the doctor checked my mother and she has it too. O__O

            I had a blood test yesterday to check a few more things. Guh. Wonder how many more incurable diseases I have. x__x

            Then on the 19th I’m getting an MRI to see if I have a pituitary tumor. They going to put dye in my veins. T____T The doctor gave me some tranquilizers so I don’t freak out and have a stroke.

            Yeah, so this week has been total HELL. I have really bad anxiety and get panic attacks pretty much every day, so by the time I was trying to get to sleep Wednesday night I was shaking so bad it was almost a seizure, and I was trying really hard not to throw up. I didn’t get ANY sleep that night, and by the time I got to the doctor at 2pm Thursday I was thinking I should really be in a hospital or something cause I just.. wanted to die so bad. The stomach pain was horrible. And it didn’t get any better after either, since I knew I needed a blood test, and those freak me out even more (they can never find my veins and end up stabbing me a million times before they get lucky and hit one).

            Today I feel a little better, but I’m still really nauseous. At least I managed to get some sleep this morning. x.x But it’s going to get a lot worse probably by next Tuesday since I’ve never had an MRI before and… I don’t think I’ll be able to handle being alone in that room for an hour. I just… can’t be alone. EVER. T___T Even when my parents go to the store and leave me home for an hour I freak out and start sobbing. It sucks, and makes me want to die sometimes.

            So yeah… I’ll be lucky if all this stress doesn’t kill me. x.x If i didn’t have a brain tumor before I’m pretty sure I do now. 🙄


              awe. that is hard. I know what that is like, not being able to be alone.
              I start getting real paranoid and frantic when I am left alone some times. I almost never go into town unless mom is with me….I feel like such a baby relying on her so much. PTS is hard to deal with though. When my sis needed to be picked up at LA earlier this week, mom left me at home and she was not going to be back until later the next day….she left a check i could cash if i needed/wanted to get something to eat…but I was too nerve wracked to even walk into town. I stayed inside my house all day…only going into the back yard for some sun.
              It’s not fun to deal with.

              I hope you get through the MRI ok. best wishes for you.


                Im sorry Papercut. Are the meds helping any?


                  Good thoughts going out to you, Papercut! I hope everything works out for you. We’re here whenever you need us….


                  Good luck. If the MRI is really upsetting you might ask if they can heavily sedate you – if you are sedated enough maybe you will sleep during it. I know someone who has had multiple MRIs and he says it is a great time to take a nap!

                  At the very least they should give you anti-anxiety meds if you can take them.

                  I hope it goes well.


                    I’m sorry to hear all that is going wrong with you. 🙁 I truly hope you pull through fine. Sending positive energy your way. Hang in there.

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