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- This topic has 31 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 9 months ago by DragonMistress.
June 14, 2007 at 8:05 am #589050
I have two…well, only one happened to me, but the other was totaly funny…
Mine is a rib that has been cracked 6 times and still shows no residual on an x-ray. First time was in boot camp *I was really too tired to notice that it really hurt* and it wasn’t THAT bad. Second time was in MCT when a girl jumped me in the middle of the night in our camp and tried to strangle me. Third was in Pensacola, FL, A school, was playing flag football and got tackled by a guy almost 3 times my weight. Fourth was in Biloxi, MS, C school, I had bronchitis and cracked it durring a coughing fit. Fifth and sixth were at Camp Pendleton, CA, duty station, the first was a guy who came up behind me and gave me a bear hug, and then 8 months later got smashed into a wall by the same guy who had just gotten into a fight and I happened to be walking by….Go figgure….Anyway
The second happened to the daughter of my mom’s old boss about 10 years ago. She and her friens had gotten “tipsy” in the middle of the day at an outdoor mall, and she stubbed her toe on the escelator. She came back to the animal hospital that her dad owned (my mom was the vet there) and we took x-rays only to discover that she had broken her little toe….just the little one, nothing else…. 😆 😆
Your turn…..
June 14, 2007 at 8:05 am #491489June 14, 2007 at 8:48 am #589051when i was younger i was riding my horse near the paddock fence..which just happened to be electrified and for the first time was turned on..well..i had a cold and sneezed..spooked the horse that bolted i rolled off her back and over her rear(i ride bareback) and smack into the fence…needless to say i hate electric fences now
June 14, 2007 at 9:19 am #589052Anonymous
~2000 lb electric pallet jack going ~20 mph (flat out throttle)
plus… my right foot
plus.. a full pallet of Mike’s Hard Lemonade (figure 6 bottles a case, 10 cases by 5, about 7-8 high, so about 2400 bottles)
Equals .. a free ride in the whambulance.
No break.. but my entire foot was black and purple, my leg was yellow and full of fluid to the knee for 2 months, and I couldn’t walk for a week.
They told me later the pallet moved about 2 inches on the floor when I hit it.
June 14, 2007 at 12:50 pm #589053I’m boring. When I was 5 or 6 I was jumping on a mattress that was on the floor, fell 2 feet and broke my arm.
No one believed me and I was forced to use the arm so it wouldn’t ‘get stiff’, as everyone thought I just bruised or strained it a bit.
Two weeks later my parents succumbed to my whining and had it x-rayed. BROKEN! They felt terrible. My parents are good people. So they got me a plush animal that I had been wanting. 😆Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
My art: featherdust.comJune 14, 2007 at 2:27 pm #589054Nothing super spectacular, but perhaps a little bit amusing.
12 stitches in my left knee. How? Tripped over a tomato cage on my grandparents’ farm when I was nine.
The most interesting thing I suppose was that it was deep enough to show the ligament underneath. It was a very pretty, snowy white thing until it started to bleed, then it was a farking mess. The lidocaine hurt more than the cut, my mother had to hold me down while the doc numbed it so he could stitch; I remember screaming bloody murder.
I wore those stupid stitches for six weeks because of where the cut was. It was middle of summer and I wasn’t allowed to swim while the stitches were in. Totally blew my plans for summer vacation, I tell you.
June 14, 2007 at 4:03 pm #589055I have two. Both happened when I was five.
I had a bed next to the wall that had a hallway on the other side of it. I shared a room with my brother, so I learned that if I needed something and called for Mom he would wake up. So I would knock on the wall and Mom would hear me and come to see what I needed. One night (if was late and my parents were already in bed) I woke up with a bad dream. I wanted my mom, so I knocked on the wall. She didn’t come (she was sleeping). So I knocked louder. This woke up my brother. I was panicking by this time, so I started using my head to knock on the wall. Well, I hit the wall so hard that the bed moved and tipped, spilling me onto the floor between the bed and the wall, with the bed turning over on its side to land on me. My brother started screaming. Mom came then! I broke my collar bone.
The second was a couple months later. My parents had been gardening and we had to go somewhere quickly, so they just left the gardening things in the yard. When we came home, I ran outside to play, tripped over the rake handle and landed on one of those three pronged weeder thingies. It went almost all the way through my hand, and it was covered in dirt from the garden. The doctor had to scrub out the wound with a toothbrush. They wouldn’t let my mom stay in the room with me because she started pulling me away from them when I’d scream. So I had to bear it alone. Needless to say, mental blocks are a good thing. I don’t remember it, and I don’t want to. I had three stitches in the web of my hand between my thumb and forefinger (still have a scar).
June 14, 2007 at 4:30 pm #589056Emerald, I laughed at the first one… I know, I really shouldn’t, but still…
In my case, my daaaarling husband cracked one of my ribs. He was hugging me and ended up squishing my right breast. I complained, careful, man, blah blah blah. So, he says, well, we can’t have the other get jealous, right? So he hugs me real hard on the left side. We both heard a loud crack. We stared at each other, really puzzled, when the pain hit me. I swear, it took about 20-30 seconds before my body reacted.
Emerald’s story reminded me of a not-really-accident with my brother. He had his bed against the wall that separeted our rooms, against which I had my desk. My brother sleeps really deeply and moves a lot during the night. I’d often hear him brush the wall, etc. One night, he turned quickly enough that he hit his head on the wall, but hard enough that he made one of the frames on my wall fall on my desk. Of course, I woke up with a heart attack, but so did my dad! He thought there was someone in the house. My brother? He kind of woke up, thinking, ow, and fell right back to sleep. The next morning, he actually had to think before he remembered it!
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http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmJune 14, 2007 at 5:16 pm #589057Ok I have a few. I don’t remember one of them but my dad tells me a lot.
So one I don’t remember. I was little little, like 2 or 3 and my dad was walking me around on a horse that is usually really good with kids. My dad says when every I got fussy when I was younger he would take me for a horse ride and I would fall asleep, and then scream when the horse stopped. Anyway I’m being walked around on the horse I usually am on (bareback) and my dad stops to do something quickly and at the same time my mother pulls the hose that happens to be near the horse and the horse bucks. My dad says that it felt like it all went in slow motion as he ran to try to catch me because he could see that if I didn’t I was going to land on a big stack of tin roofing (for the barn)… Needless to say I flew over 10 feet in the air and land with the edge of the roofing right in the middle of my back. Nothing broken, although I should have broken my back.
Second story. I was about 5 or 6 and one of our horses had a baby which at this point was about a month old. I was helping feed and when I was done I walked behind the horses eating. I don’t know how many of you know this but when you go to walk behind a horse you have to let them know you are there first so you pat their rump or something before you walk behind them. So I did this as I walked behind the line of like 6 horses and the cult, but of course I patted the cult, he looked at me, I walked behind him, he moved forward a little, I grabbed onto the fence beside him to climb over it, he didn’t like that and kicked me square in the ribs. No broken bones, but one hell of a horse huff bruise on my side.
Third story. I was about 7 or 8. I was helping my dad brand logs for the logging he had done. To brand them he had a big sludge hammer that had our name and everything on one end of it. He told me to hang the hammer and let it swing into the log, instead of trying to hammer it. So I did this with many a log and I felt all pro. Then I was getting to the smaller logs and my dad said I didn’t have to do those if I didn’t want to, but of course I wanted to. On my last log, after doing like 100 others, I couldn’t quite hit the log so I was holding it in place. The log end I was going for was the same size as the end of the hammer with the stamp on it. I held the log, swung the hammer, and forgot to move my middle finger which is exactly where the hammer landed. I had “TC Contracting” stamped into my finger and it immediatly started hurting and swelled and turned purple and blue. My dad was confinced it was broken and drove me the 30 minutes to the Emergancy room where they took x-rays and told me it was fine.
So all in all no broken bones but lots of should have beens.
June 14, 2007 at 5:21 pm #589058😆 😆
When I was 3? 4? We lived on a pretty big lot in White Rock, NM. My playground was a big flat area kind of enclosed by pine trees with a slight embankment (about 2 feet deep) down from the flat part to the trees. There was a HUGE prickly pear cactus patch at the bottom on one side. *you all can guess where this is going…* Anyway, I was chasing after a horny toad and wasn’t watching where I was going…I slipped, did the whole cartoon whidmill thing with my arms and went face first spread eagle into the patch….I don’t remember if I got myself out or if my mom had to extract me, but it took her 6 hours to pull all the needles out….I was literaly a walking pin cushion! 😆 😆
June 14, 2007 at 6:16 pm #589059I feel so embarassed, everyone else was a little kid when there’s happened…
First one was when I was 16. We had a door that was wood frame, with 12 glass windows with wood frames around them. (does that make sense?) Anyway, I was a rowdy teenager, and had been out all night. It was 8am when i got home, The door always stuck a little, but for some reason I just wasn’t in the mood to deal with the slight stick, so i pushed on the glass to get it to open, and my hand went right through it. I ended up with stiches in 3 places, and I could see the bone once they pulled the one huge shard of glass out.
The second happened yesterday. I have a German Shepard puppy who’s about 8 months, 120 pounds. We love to wrestle. We were wrestling, and I had him in a headlock and was proceeding to body slam him on the floor. He threw his head back, and his skull hit my cheek, right below the eye. I almost blacked out, and sat for about 5 min. trying to hold my head together becasue it really felt like if I let go, my head would break. This morning when I woke up, my entire eye is black and blue, swollen almost shut, and the whole side of my face is bruised and swollen. I can’t even see out the one eye totally.
Hubby’s afriad everyone will think he beats me. 😀
Really puts a new spin on “animal abuse”.
I can see it now.
“Are YOU being abused by your so-called loving pet? Is he beating the crap out of you on a daily basis? YOU can break the cycle. call 800-MY-DOG-IS-BEATING-ME-UP for a free consultation”June 14, 2007 at 7:11 pm #589060Poor Bluepony! 🙁 That has to hurt! There just doesn’t seem to be much as hard as a dog’s skull, though it was usually my shins that suffered.
I hope your face heals quickly!
June 14, 2007 at 10:21 pm #589061Great topic!
1. When I was 3-4 I walked out to my dad with a Tylonol bottle saying “All Gone. All Gone.” A stomach pump took care of me…
2. Mother was try to goad me to jump off a diving board but I was scared. Finally I jumped but chickened out at the last minute and tried to jump to the side of the pool. My chin made contact with the cement side of the pool. 14 stiches took care of me.
3. Me on one pissed off horse= 12 staples to my head. Teach me to wear the proper riding attire!
June 14, 2007 at 10:57 pm #589062Phoenix wrote:Great topic!
1. When I was 3-4 I walked out to my dad with a Tylonol bottle saying “All Gone. All Gone.” A stomach pump took care of me…
2. Mother was try to goad me to jump off a diving board but I was scared. Finally I jumped but chickened out at the last minute and tried to jump to the side of the pool. My chin made contact with the cement side of the pool. 14 stiches took care of me.
3. Me on one pissed off horse= 12 staples to my head. Teach me to wear the proper riding attire!
That reminds me of when I was younger and had horses. (ewe, just saying that makes me feel old). I had this one pony named Frankie. What a turd. One day he didn’t wanna go riding, and I did, and we got into a big fight and he ended up rearing up while I was on him. well, me, all crazy(I was a crazy youth) thought “I’ll teach this bugger” and I flipped him over. Saddle horn to the stomache, bloody nose, serious headache, and some misc brusies later, that pony never did rear on me again.
June 14, 2007 at 11:17 pm #589063Emerald, the second one make me shudder.
When I was in grade school, I was playing outside during recess. I think I was playing soccer and I tripped on something and fractured my left wrist.
When I was a teenager I played basketball, I always had long fingernails. When people would pass to me my nails would get caught somehow and I had about 3 jammed fingers.
When I was about 21, I lived with my bf and I got really mad at him during the night. We lived with room mates and they left a hose from their waterbed out. I left our room and started to go out to the hallway, I tripped on the hose and my pinkie finger went into the door jam of the bathroom. Needless to say I had to go to the hospital and later had to have sugery and get 3 pins in my finger because I broke it.
When I was about 25 and 26 I went to the park (same park)to watch fireworks. When we were walking to the car, I was wearing high heels and stumbled (same place both times). Needless to say I fractured my ankle.
I think that is all.
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