
Crazy Cat lady already?

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    Cats, (currently five) horses, four and Akitas here. I was never much of a dog person before. Than I got Alf 😀 Guess it just took the right dog! I’ve been collecting red Akita everything since I got him and I’ve had two pyo wolves done like him and one of Takara my full blood Akita


      If I can get a little more organized, I’ll post some photos on Photobucket and put a link here. 🙂


        Animal LOVER here too
        currently 4 cats Kiara 11 today, Kovu 10, Simba 7, and Nala 6
        Simba and Nala’s birthday guess has not passed yet so they will be 8 and 7 soon
        My 2 boys LOVE eachother more then any 2 brothers can
        the 2 girls put up with it 😀
        the only other pet we ever had growing up was Audrey our dog and she was I think about 15 when she passed away
        She was a Basenji
        Basenji’s are an old African hunting hound
        they where the pharoh’s favorite hunting dog because they do not bark, well they can we heard her bark twice during her life, they are a VERY ancient royal breed

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